Edward E. Kramer

Edward E. Kramer

Edward E. Kramer (born on March 20, 1961) is an American editor and author of numerous science fiction, fantasy, and horror works, and co-founder of the Dragon Con fan convention in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives in Duluth, Georgia.


Kramer is the editor of the anthologies "Dark Love" and "Grails" published by Roc Books; "The Sandman: Book of Dreams" (with Neil Gaiman) (HarperPrism); "The Crow: Shattered Lives and Broken Dreams" (with James O'Barr) (Random House); "Free Space" (Tor Books); "Forbidden Acts" (Avon Books); "Elric: Tales of the White Wolf" and "Pawn of Chaos: Tales of the Eternal Champion" (based on the works and characters of Michael Moorcock), "Dante's Disciples", "Tombs", and the "Dark Destiny" trilogy (White Wolf); and "Strange Attraction: Turns of the Midnight Carnival Wheel" (Bereshith Publishing), with many additional works both in print and in progress.

Kramer is a member of both the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and Horror Writers Association (serving as both Vice-President and Trustee), and served on the board of the World Fantasy Convention and World Horror Society. [ [http://www.worldhorrorsociety.org/past.html World Horror Society | World Horror Convention ] ] His credits include more than a dozen published works of fiction and non-fiction, and a decade of work as a music critic and photojournalist. He co-wrote and directed the digital feature "Terror at Tate Manor", which debuted as a direct-to-Internet film.

His literary works have been nominated for the World Fantasy Award, the British Fantasy Award, and the International Horror Guild Award, and he is the recipient of the first Prometheus Special Award presented by the Libertarian Futurist Society, with co-editor Brad Linaweaver, for "Free Space".

In 1987, he founded Dragon Con, North America's largest convention dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, comics, gaming, and the popular arts. He served as its chairman for fourteen years and oversaw its growth from 1,400 attendance in its inaugural year to over 20,000 in 2000.

He has also chaired the 1990 Atlanta Origins convention, the 1992 Georgia World Fantasy Convention [ [http://www.worldfantasy.org/awards/1992.html 1992 World Fantasy Award Winners and Nominees ] ] and the Nebula Awards Weekend, and both the Atlanta World Horror Convention and the North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) in 1995. [ [http://www.nesfa.org/data/LL/TheLongListNasfic.html The Long List of Nasfics ] ] In 1999, he hosted the Atlanta World Horror Convention and Los Angeles's Bram Stoker Award Weekend.

Kramer, who was born in Brooklyn, New York, is a graduate of Emory College and the Emory University School of Medicine. [ [http://www.aussiecon3.worldcon.org/a3prbios.html Aussiecon 3 Biographies] ]

While working on an anthology proposal based on Frank Herbert's "Dune" in 1997, Kramer fostered a literary partnership between writers Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. [Richards, Linda L. [http://www.januarymagazine.com/profiles/duneprofile.html "The Sons of Dune: An Interview with Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson"] , January Magazine. January, 2000.] He is credited as the "bridge" to their additions to the "Dune universe" in each volume of the first trilogy, ', ' and "".

Criminal allegations & civil rights actions

In 2000, Kramer was arrested for an alleged domestic incident following an anonymous phone call; he was eventually charged with aggravated child molestation. Kramer has lived under house arrest at his home in Duluth since late 2000 while awaiting trial. No trial date has been set. A Federal Civil Rights Action was filed against the local county by Kramer in 2001. The National Center for Reason and Justice sponsors a defense fund on his behalf.

In May 2005, Kramer filed a motion asserting speedy trial rights, demanding the case go to trial; the motion was never heard. In November 2006, a follow-up motion demanding dismissal of charges for violation of civil rights, including speedy trial rights was denied, and is on appeal. Former Georgia Congressman and Intelligence official Bob Barr entered an Amicus curiae citing the Court to, "rebuke the entities responsible in the strongest language available... that this kind of illicit, illegal confluence of dilatory, patently constitutionally infirm behavior be ended and effectively condemned."

United Nations representative for Aguda, United States Holocaust Memorial Council, and Penn Law School Adjunct Professor Harry Reicher's Amicus to the Court, resolved: "Treatment such as that endured by Ed Kramer is not only unacceptable, but deeply antithetical, indeed offensive, to notions of justice that are deeply ingrained in the legal culture of United States, and that have suffused, and found their replication in, the post-World War II human rights movement."


*"Tales of Riverworld" (1992)
*"Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences" (1992), a World Fantasy Award nominee for Best Anthology
*"Quest to Riverworld" (1993)
*"Confederacy of the Dead" (1993)
*"Phobias" (1994)
*"Michael Moorcock's Elric: Tales of the White Wolf" (1994)
*"Grails: Visitations of the Night" (1994)
*The "Dark Destiny" trilogy is set in White Wolf publishing's "World of Darkness":
*#"Dark Destiny" (1994)
*#"Dark Destiny II: Proprietors of Fate" (1995)
*#"Dark Destiny III: Children of Dracula" (1996)
*"Dante's Disciples" (1998)
*"Excalibur" (1995)
*"Tombs" (1995)
*"More Phobias" (1995)
*"Forbidden Acts" (1995)
*"Dark Love" (1996), a World Fantasy Award and International Horror Guild Award nominee for Best Anthology
*"The Sandman: Book of Dreams" (1996), a British Fantasy Award nominee for Best Anthology
*"Michael Moorcock's Pawn of Chaos: Tales of the Eternal Champion" (1997)
*"Free Space" (1997), recipient of the first Prometheus Special Award
*"The Crow: Shattered Lives and Broken Dreams" (1998)
*"Strange Attraction: Turns of the Midnight Carnival's Wheel" (2000)
*"Grails: Quests of the Dawn" (2004)


* [http://www.dragoncon.org/people/kramere.html Ed Kramer biography] provided by Dragon*Con

* Reicher, Harry. "Amicus Curiae", [http://www.gaappeals.us Georgia Court of Appeals] , September 5, 2007.
* Barr, Bob. "Amicus Curiae", [http://www.gaappeals.us Georgia Court of Appeals] , August 16, 2007.
* Sturgis, Amy H. [http://hnn.us/blogs/entries/37718.html "Ed Kramer's Long Wait for Justice"] , History News Network. April 16, 2007.
* Steward, Shirl. [http://www.santafenewmexican.com/readerblogs/60270.html "The Real Injustices Beyond the Sting of Mere Words"] , Santa Fe New Mexican. April 16, 2007.
* Bidwell, Rebecca. [http://www.saveourcivilliberties.org/en/2005/05/1148.shtml "Georgia Inmate Abuse by Gwinnett County and Prison Health Services, Inc. in Supreme Court"] , Save Our Civil Liberties Campaign, May 26, 2005.
* Rothery, Brian. [http://www.inquisition21.com/article~view~84~page_num~13.html "America – Land of the Shackles"] , Inquisition 21st Century. November 18, 2004.
* Cohen, Benyamin. [http://atlantajewish.com/content/2004/edkramer.html "Truth, Justice, and Ed Kramer"] , Atlanta Jewish Life Magazine. October 2004.
* Nurse, Doug. "Molestation trial delayed after surgery", The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Pg. 1JJ. May 4, 2004.
* Brett, Jennifer. "Kramer trial to start today; DragonCon founder charged with aggravated child molestation", The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Pg. 1JJ. May 3, 2004.
* Rowe, Sean. " [http://www.11alive.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=38709 "DragonCon Sex Trial Delayed -- Again"] ", WXIA-TV. November 3, 2003.
* Warren, Beth. "Third teen levels molestation charges", The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Pg. 1JJ. October 24, 2003.
*Silver, Steven H. [http://www.sfsite.com/columns/news0305.htm "Kramer Warrant Declared Unconstitutional"] , SF Site News. May 8, 2003.
* Henry, Scott. " [http://atlanta.creativeloafing.com/2002-05-22/news_brief.html "Ed Kramer trial put off again"] ", Creative Loafing. May 22, 2002.
* Henry, Scott. " [http://atlanta.creativeloafing.com/2002-01-30/cover.html "The wizard of Dragon*Con stands trial"] ", Creative Loafing. January 30, 2002.
* Ippolito, Milo. "Defendant's sword at center of pretrial dispute; Admissibility as evidence at issue", The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Pg. 1JJ. February 16, 2001.
* Bacon-Smith, Ph.D., Camille. [http://www.temple.edu/isllc/newfolk/goth2.html "The Goth Explosion in Science Fiction Culture"] , New Directions in Folklore 3. May-July 1999.

External links

* [http://www.edkramer.com/ edkramer.com official website]
* [http://www.edkramer.org/ edkramer.org defense fund site]
* [http://www.tatemanor.com/ "Terror at Tate Manor" website]

NAME=Kramer, Edward E.
DATE OF BIRTH=March 20, 1961
PLACE OF BIRTH=Brooklyn, New York City, New York

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