


real_name=Li-Peng Kai
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Master of Kung Fu" #62
creators=Jim Craig and Doug Moench
alliances=leader of own smuggler-ring
powers=Left hand replaced by weapon|

Kogar is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe whose first appearance was in "Master of Kung Fu #62".

Fictional character biography

Kogar was a smuggler and was employed by Chang, Sklar and Black Jack Blue.

In "Master of Kung-Fu", Shang's friend and ally Black Jack Tarr decides to infiltrate Kogar's criminal organization. He is blindfolded and take to their headquarters by two of Kogar's men. Tarr's decision to defeat the two men in combat impresses Kogar enough; he allows Tarr to join.

Kogar is ultimately defeated by Shang-Chi.

It was revealed that he was one of the inmates at The Raft who escaped and was recaptured.

Civil War

Kogar was revealed alive during the Civil War event and when the registration law was announced, he wanted to leave the country again. He contacted Vienna to make him a new fake identity, but he did not know Vienna was secretly working for the Heroes for Hire, who later apprehended Kogar and several other supervillains. He was imprisoned in Negative Zone Prision Alpha.

Powers and abilities

Instead of his left hand Kogar has a weapon, which has blades as well as can be transformed into a blaster.


*"Heroes for Hire" vol. 2 #1
*"Master of Kung Fu" #62-63, 65-68, 71
*"New Avengers Most Wanted Files"


[http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/kogar.htm Marvel Comics Appendix Kogar entry]

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