Picoplankton — Mikroskopische Aufnahme einer Wasserprobe. Die größeren Objekte repräsentieren Bakterien, die kleinen Partikel sind Viren (CybrGreen Färbung). Unter den Begriffen Bakterioplankton und Virioplankton versteht man die kleinsten Komponenten des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
picoplankton — noun The plankton composed of cells between 0.2 and 2 micrometers … Wiktionary
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Photosynthetic picoplankton — is the fraction of the plankton performing photosynthesis composed by cells between 0.2 and 2 µm (picoplankton). It is especially important in the central oligotrophic regions of the world oceans that have very low concentration of nutrients.… … Wikipedia
Heterotrophic picoplankton — is the fraction of plankton composed by cells between 0.2 and 2 μm that do not perform photosynthesis. Cells can be either : * prokaryotes Main|Bacterioplankton Archaea form a major part of the picoplankton in the antarctic and are abundant in… … Wikipedia
List of eukaryotic picoplankton species — List of eukaryotic species that belong to picoplankton, i.e. which have one of their cell dimensions smaller than 3 µm. = Autotrophic species = Chlorophyta Chlorophyceae * Stichococcus cylindricus (Butcher), 3 4.5 µm, brackish Pedinophyceae *… … Wikipedia
Picophytoplancton — Picoplancton photosynthétique Picoplancton observé par épifluorescence Le picoplancton photosynthétique (aussi appelé picophytoplancton) est la fraction du phytoplancton dont la taille est comprise entre 0,2 et 2 µm (picoplancton). Il est… … Wikipédia en Français
Picoplancton photosynthetique — Picoplancton photosynthétique Picoplancton observé par épifluorescence Le picoplancton photosynthétique (aussi appelé picophytoplancton) est la fraction du phytoplancton dont la taille est comprise entre 0,2 et 2 µm (picoplancton). Il est… … Wikipédia en Français
Picoplancton photosynthétique — Picoplancton observé par épifluorescence Le picoplancton photosynthétique (aussi appelé picophytoplancton) est la fraction du phytoplancton dont la taille est comprise entre 0,2 et 2 µm (picoplancton). Il est particulièrement important dans… … Wikipédia en Français
Picoeukaryote — Picoeukaryotes are picoplanktonic eukaryotic organisms that range in size from 0.2 – 2.0 µm. They are distributed throughout the world’s marine and freshwater ecosystems and constitute a significant contribution to autotrophic communities.… … Wikipedia