screen angle — [engl.], Rasterwinkel … Universal-Lexikon
screen angle — rastro kampas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kampas, kuriuo pasukamos ↑rastro linijos rodant ekrane arba spausdinant ↑taškinės grafikos paveikslą norint išvengti ↑muaro piešinių. Muaro piešiniai gali atsirasti esant pustoniniam… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Screen angle — Угол установки растра; Угол поворота растра … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
angle — noun. This word had been used since the 1870s in the meaning ‘the aspect from which a matter is considered’ • (The old stagers…the men who knew all the angles, who had great experience Nevil Shute, 1944) often with a defining word: the OED gives… … Modern English usage
Screen protector — A screen protector is used to protect the LCD screens of digital, electronic devices. The personal digital assistant (PDA) is, perhaps, the most commonly used gadget for which screen protectors are used since PDAs are operated via a stylus. If… … Wikipedia
Angle of halftone screen lines — Угол наклона растровых линий, угол поворота растра … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Large-screen television technology — developed rapidly in the late 1990s and 2000s. Various flat screen technologies are being developed, but only the liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma display (PDP) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) were released on the public market. These… … Wikipedia
Projection screen — Home theater projection screen displaying a high definition television image A projection screen is an installation consisting of a surface and a support structure used for displaying a projected image for the view of an audience. Projection… … Wikipedia
Viewing angle — In display technology parlance, viewing angle is the maximum angle at which a display can be viewed with acceptable visual performance. In a technical context, this angular range is called viewing cone defined by a multitude of viewing directions … Wikipedia
Kurt Angle — Angle at a WWE Q A in August 2005. Ring name(s) Kurt Angle Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) … Wikipedia