Rhum Barbancourt

Rhum Barbancourt

Rhum Barbancourt is a well-known rum producing company based in Haiti. Their rums are widely regarded as the best rums produced in the Caribbean and some of the finest in the world. The family business originated in the 1860s, with the product being made from sugar cane juice. Dupré Barbancourt, a Frenchman hailing from the cognac-producing region of "Charente" emigrated to Haiti where he founded his future company in 1862. After discovering the procedure in making the rum in December of that year, he immediately began selling it for G1.50 (US$0.30) per gallon the next day. [cite book | last = Schutt-Ainé | first = Patricia | coauthors = Staff of Librairie Au Service de la Culture | title = Haiti: A Basic Reference Book | publisher = Librairie Au Service de la Culture | date = 1994 | location = Miami, Florida | pages = p. 41 | id = ISBN 0-9638599-0-0 ] In 1952, the now successful company ramped up production, transforming itself from what once was a cottage industry into a major world producer of quality rum.

Barbancourt is made directly from sugar cane juice rather than the sugar cane by-product of molasses. This is similar to the alcoholic cachaça beverage of Brazil. Barbancourt's products are highly regarded, having won many tastings and competitions, as well as earning excellent reviews by rum connoisseurs. Its Estate Réserve is aged for 15 years.

Barbancourt's rums are marketed in 20 countries and Barbancourt is among Haiti's best known companies internationally.

The sugar cane used to produce the juice used to distill Barbancourt's rum is grown on plantations owned directly by the company. The rum is double distilled, using a process similar to that used to produce cognac.


*Rhum Barbancourt White Rum
*Rhum Barbancourt 3 star - aged four years
*Rhum Barbancourt 5 star - aged eight years
*Rhum Barbancourt Réserve du Domaine - aged fifteen years


External links

* [http://www.barbancourt.net/ Barbancourt official site]
* [http://www.haitiinnovation.org/en/2007/02/01/rhum-and-haitian-spirit/ Blog Post at Haiti Innovation]
* [http://www.refinedvices.com/Rhum-Barbancourt-8-Years Refined Vices Barbancourt 8 YO review]

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