- Fantasticar
The Fantasticar is the primary mode of transportation for the fictional
Marvel comics superhero team,The Fantastic Four . Several versions have been created byMr. Fantastic , leader of the team.Fantasticar Mk. I
The Original Fantasticar which debuted in The Fantastic Four #3, was one oval like flying car, which could split apart into multiple sections piloted by individual members of the Fantastic Four, a model which would be maintained for all later versions. This model, like all other models used when the Fantastic Four lived in the
Baxter Building was stored in the top floor hangars. This design has often been ridiculed as looking like a "flying bathtub" by many, and it was later replaced. [Fantastic Four #3]Fantasticar Mk. II
This Fantasticar, seen by many as the "classic" Fantasticar debuted in issue 12 of the Fantastic Four and is said to have been built by both Reed Richards and
The Human Torch . While each individual pod was more clearly defined on this model, it had a number of improvements, including transparent bulletproof windshield which could cover the entire pod allowing for travel in unaccomadating circumstances. This Fantasticar also had a much better range and topspeed as it was able to traverse nearly the entire continental United States in a short period of time. [Fantastic Four #12]There would be other updates on the Fantasticar over the years, however most would be modificaations on these first two designs.
Alternate Versions
In the Ultimate continuity, the Fantasticar was still invented by Reed Richards, and in appearance s a mix between the original Fantasticar from clasic Marvel continuity, mixed with a modern sports utility vehicle. Introduced in Ultimate Fantastic Four #10 It would be destroyed by Dr. Doom in issue 11, but would return later. [Ultimate Fantastic Four #10-11]
In Other Media
In the Fantastic Four series of the late 1970's they used the original Fantasticar, while the upgraded version would appear in both the 60's series and the 90's series bothe featured Fantasticars which resembles the second version. The newest series, , features a version which is original to the series and seen to be far more advanced.
The Fantasticar was introduced to the film series in the second film, Rise of the Silver Surfer, and appears to be a much sleeker version of the original Fantasticar. It is shown as beingable to travel from New York to Siberia in a matter of minutes on autopilot, and can be summoned from Reed's palm top computer. It, like its comics counterpart, can also split into multiple sections.
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