Tour d'Argent

Tour d'Argent

La Tour d'Argent ("The Silver Tower") is a restaurant in Paris France that bases its claim to be over 400 years old on the existence of an inn on the Quai de la Tournelle, said to have been frequented by Henri IV.

Duck, especially the pressed duck, is the specialty (Caneton Tour d'Argent). The Tour has its own farm on which it raises its ducks. Diners ordering the duck receive a postcard with the serial number of the duck. The restaurant also offers a wine cellar containing more than half a million bottles of the world's finest wines. The dining room features an excellent view of the river Seine and Notre Dame.

The restaurant is currently owned and operated by the Terrail family. Claude Terrail, owner and manager since taking over from his father André in 1947, died on June 1, 2006 at the age of 88.

André Terrail, Claude Terrail's son from his second marriage to wife Tarja, then took over management of La Tour d'Argent. However, since this time the restaurant has suffered, and is no longer considered one of the best in Paris. While the restaurant still is one of the most famous in Paris and still ranks among the great, it has during recent years dropped from its 3-starred top position in the arbiter of fine dining, the Guide Michelin to a more modest one star, dropping to 2 stars in 1996, and to one in 2006.

The restaurant served as inspiration for scenes in the Pixar movie "Ratatouille," and has received an "unexpected boost" from the film.cite web| last =| first =| title = Travel spotlight| work =| publisher = The Economist | url =| accessdate = 2007-09-27]


External links

* [ La Tour d'Argent official homepage]
* [ Step-by-step illustrated pressed duck at La Tour d'Argent]
* [ from NY Times: A Paris Landmark]
* [ Claude Terrail, 88, Model of a Restaurateur, Dies]

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