Kamen Rider Hyper Battle

Kamen Rider Hyper Battle

Video/DVDs have been yearly direct to video/DVD shorts since the birth of the heisei Kamen Rider series. These omake range from humorous out of character actions and situations to musicals.

Kamen Rider Kuuga vs. the Strong Monster Go-Jiino-Da

In nihongo|"Kamen Rider Kuuga vs. the Strong Monster Go-Jiino-Da"|仮面ライダークウガVS剛力怪人ゴ・ジイノ・ダ|Kamen Raidā Kūga Bui Esu Gōriki Kaijin Go Jiino Da, Godai awakens from a nap at the Pore Pore Tea Cafe and finds a scrapbook with newspaper clippings about his battles as Kuuga. As he reminisces about each fight, gaining each of his forms and the Goram attachment for the Trychaser, Godai gets a call (presumably from Ichijou, it's never made clear who it is) about a new Gronji monster. Godai heads over and transforms into Kuuga to face off against the beast who introduces himself Go-Jiino-Da.

After a fierce battle, Kuuga manages to defeat Go-Jiino-Da via Mighty Kick, however, when he stands up, he has suddenly transformed into Rising Mighty Form.

Kamen Rider Agito: Three Riders - Super Battle Video

In nihongo|"Kamen Rider Agito: Three Great Riders"|仮面ライダーアギト 3大ライダー|Kamen Raidā Agito San Dai Raidā Telepi, the Terebi-kun mascot, is in a bit of a pinch as three Unknowns have invaded his world. In order to protect himself, he needs to find a strong bodyguard and fast. So, in order to find one, he decides to bring the three Riders from Kamen Rider Agito to his world. All of a sudden Shoichi, Makoto and Ashihara appear and are puzzled. Telepi explains the situation and states that nobody is leaving until he decides who wins the title of the "Ultimate Rider". Ashihara flat out refuses and attempts to escape while Shoichi and Makoto are trapped.

The two of them explain a bit about their powers and Telepi decides after hearing it that Makoto wins the title. All of a sudden a silly looking party hat appears on Makoto's head that doesn't seem to want to come off. Shoichi laughs at this and Makoto then states that Shoichi would win, leading into a recap of the abilities of each of their motorcycles; Agito's Machine Tornader and G3's Guard Chaser. Upon finding out about Machine Tornader's Slider Mode, Telepi gets excited and Shoichi gets the title transferred to him.

Ashihara suddenly reappears out of a cupboard and immediately Makoto and Shoichi try to get him to win the title when talking about Gills' abilities. As a result, Ashihara gets the title but before they can laugh, an alarm goes off, the Unknown have finally arrived. The three Riders waste no time and rush out to stop them.

In the end, Telepi decides that there is no one Ultimate Rider and decides that they should all win. As he says this, the party hat appears over all three pictures of the Riders sitting on Telepi's table. ..

This is the first time that a Hyper Battle Video (now called a Super Battle Video) would have an advertised gimmick. In this case, the three Riders displayed exclusive attacks to that video. For example, Agito used a double Flame Saber attack called the "Double Saber Slash" with his Flame Form when fighting against his Unknown, G3 revealed a new Grappling Hook add-on known as the GA-04 (Antares) and Gills would unleash a new Double Hell Stab.

Out of all three of these new weapons, only the GA-04 made it into the series.

Since then, each subsequent Hyper Battle Video has had an exclusive gimmick or event that would not otherwise happen in the show.

Kamen Rider Ryuki: Ryuki vs. Kamen Rider Agito

nihongo|"Kamen Rider Ryuki: Ryuki vs Kamen Rider Agito"|仮面ライダー龍騎 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト|Kamen Raidā Ryūki: Ryūki Buiesu Kamen Raidā Agito begins with Shinji Kido introducing himself at ORE and was about to show his data on the Kamen Rider when he senses a Mirror Monster on the move. Once at a warehouse in Mirror World, Ryuki is shocked to find a dozen Mirror Monsters and all of them are acting out their character by surrounding Ryuki. He is then saved from an attack by Knight, Zolda, Ohja, who are all acting out of character as heroes who fight to protect freedom and peace. The four attempt to fight the Mirror Monsters' leader: Kamen Rider Agito in Burning Form. All of a sudden, the "real" Kamen Rider Agito appears and helps the riders in their fight against his Mirror World doppleganger and the Mirror Monster/Lord Beast army. As the others deal with the monsters, both Ryuki & Agito work together to perform the Double Rider Kick to destroy Imit-Agito. But Shinji then wakes up at the cafe to realise that it is all a dream. From Faiz onward, the Riders in a series would be reviewed.

Kamen Rider 555: Hyper Battle Video

In nihongo|"Kamen Rider 555: Hyper Battle Video"|仮面ライダー555(ファイズ) ハイパーバトルビデオ|Kamen Raidā Faizu Haipā Batoru Bideo, what starts out with a regular day with Takumi, Mari and Keitaro suddenly turns into a musical number thanks to a mysterious new boom box created by Smart Brain. As it turns out, Yuji, Yuka and Naoya has the same boom box and are greeted by a rapping Smart Lady who reveals that it's part of a new plan by Smart Brain to invoke people into singing all over Japan and get the three Rider Belts back. After a recap opera covering the abilities of the Faiz, Kaixa and Delta Gears, Takumi and Mari are suddenly transported to another dimension of sorts with Yuji, Yuka and Noya now in flashy outfits and Smart Lady still rapping with three revived Orphenoch. A fight breaks out between Takumi and the Orphenoch in a West Side Story-like dance sequence before Takumi transforms into Faiz. Smart Lady tries to stop him but to no avail.

Mari then reveals the Faiz Sounder, the boom box that Smart Lady had been using as part of the plan and hands it to Faiz. After inserting the Mission Memory, the boom box converts into two cannons which Faiz uses to finish off the Orphenochs. Smart Lady begs to be with the winning side as they did the closing number without her. In the end, it turns out that the whole ordeal was nothing more than a dream that Takumi was having while Mari and Keitaro are cleaning and humming. The whole video itself was sparked by a contest running in TV Magazine where readers could submit designs for new weapons for Faiz. The winner would have their weapon illustrated by professional artists for the magazine and it would appear in the Faiz Hyper Battle Video. In this case, the winning design ended up being the Faiz Sounder and thus, the plot of the video was created around it.

Additionally, this would be the last Hyper Battle Video released on VHS. From Blade onward, the installments would be released on DVD.

Kamen Rider Blade: Blade vs. Blade

nihongo|"Kamen Rider Blade: Blade vs. Blade"|仮面ライダー剣(ブレイド) ブレイドVSブレイド|Kamen Raidā Bureido: Bureido Buiesu Bureido starts with Kotarou writing his book chronicling the tales of the Kamen Rider. Kenzaki walks in and then leaves and just as soon, another Kenzaki enters, which is revealed to be Trial E in disguise of Kenzaki. Something is different about this Kenzaki though, he clones the Blade belt and card just as Kotarou notices that this isn't the real Kenzaki. This leads to a battle where the two fellow human riders must decide which rider is the clone and which is the real Blade. This is followed in by humorous moments in which Tachibana mistakes one of Kenzaki's traits to be that of the clone, then shooting him in the rear with the Garren Rouze, as well as Mutsuki hitting Kenzaki over the head with the Leangle Rouze. In the end, Hajime arrives and uses some smart thinking to find out who the real Kenzaki. This allowed Mutsuki and Tachibana to give Kenzaki their trump cards to defeat his opponent as both Jack-Form and King-Form. The fake Kenzaki wears a scarf, even in Rider form, something that has not been used since the Kamen Rider ZX special.

Kamen Rider Hibiki: Asumu Henshin! You can be an Oni, too!!

In nihongo|"Kamen Rider Hibiki: Asumu Henshin! You can be an Oni, too!!"|仮面ライダー響鬼 明日夢変身!キミも鬼になれる!!|Kamen Raidā Hibiki: Kimi mo Oni ni nareru!!, Asumu wonders to himself if he could ever become a Rider like Hibiki. He wants to fight the Makamou and protect humanity in the name of justice. The Disc Animals come to him and say that it is possible for normal humans like him to become Oni. Each Disc Animal then gives Asumu a mini-lesson talking about the 8 factors required to become an Oni. Each of these lessons envelops footage from the series: "Make Sounds your Allies", "Never miss Daily Training", "If you're hungry, you can't fight.", "Use food like firewood for attacks", "Ride something cool", and "Befriend Disk Animals". After being told the sixth lession, Asumu learns that Sabaki needs help fighting off a Bakeneko being assisted by Super Douji and Super Hime, Asumu goes to the rescue. At first the transforming fails but after summoning his courage and "not giving up", lesson seven, he is able to tap into the power of the Oni and fully transforms into an Oni, just like Hibiki. After defeating the BakeNeko, Asumu executes the final factor: "The pose". This is the only time you see the Disc Animals actually talking and none of the TV characters appear except for Asamu, the Supers, and Sabaki.

Kamen Rider Kabuto: Birth! Gatack Hyper Form!!

nihongo|"Kamen Rider Kabuto: Birth! Gatack Hyper Form!!"|仮面ライダーカブト 誕生!ガタックハイパーフォーム!!|Kamen Raidā Kabuto: Tanjō! Gatakku Haipā Fōmu!! starts with Kagami watching a video of the appearance of Hyper Kabuto at the Bistro La Salle, and he too wants to use the Hyper Zecter. However, the Gatack Zecter tells him that the Hyper Zecter is owned by Kabuto and only Tendou can wield it. When Tendou arrives at the Bistro, Kagami says to Tendou that he wants to be him. Tendou says this is impossible, but the Kabuto Zecter says that he can teach Kagami to be more like Tendou, of which there are five secrets. The first is cooking, at which Tendou tries to teach Kagami how to make an omelette, but Kagami smashes the egg against the bowl. The second secret is being nice to your little sister or brother, where Kagami acts like an older brother for Juka. This is sabotaged at the appearance of a cockroach in the Tendou household and Kagami's attempts to exterminate it.

The Zecters then go on to describe the different personalities of the Riders and their hissatsu attacks: Kabuto's confidence and Avalanche Slash; TheBee's leadership, selflessness and Rider Sting; Drake's love of freedom and Rider Shooting; Sasword's constant reach for the top and Rider Slash; Kick Hopper's destructiveness and Rider Jump & Kick (as well as pointing out the reversibility option of the Hopper Zecter); and Gatack's "doing one's best to be straightforward" (or so the Gatack Zecter thinks) and Rider Cutting.

When Kagami is done tearing apart the Tendou's living room, the third secret is revealed: always listening to one's grandmother's or grandfather's words. Tendou says one of his grandmother's sayings, and then Kagami tries to remember what his grandfather says, but he is met with his grandfather screaming at him and asking why he never calls. The fourth secret, fashion sense, is then described, showing off Tendou's natural ability to look good in whatever he wears. Kagami tries to emulate this with various animal costumes and a sumo costume, until realizing how hard it is to look good in everything. The fifth secret is fighting smart and stylishly, at which Kagami tries to fight several Worms. He takes the Pupaworms down, but when it comes to the two Camponotusworms, he gets distracted by trying to perform a perfect Rider Kick in Kabuto's style.

He then realizes that it is better to just be himself, after which Tendou recalls that his grandmother said that it was all right to imitate others if only to find out more about yourself. Then, two Hyper Zecters appear, and Hyper Kabuto and Hyper Gatack take down the two remaining Worms with double Hyper Kicks. In the end, Kagami only wants to have a meaning for his name, for which Tendou gives him one that says "The man who washes (Aratta) his face in front of a mirror (Kagami) everyday." Kagami does not like it, to which Tendou jokes that Kagami must not wash his face in the morning often.

Hyper Gatack only consisted of a tachyon chest plate and a newly designed helmet. He does retain the Double Caliburs.

Kamen Rider Den-O: Singing, Dancing, Great Time!!

Taking place between episodes 44 and 45, nihongo|"Kamen Rider Den-O: Singing, Dancing, Great Time!!"|仮面ライダー電王 うたって、おどって、大とっくん!!|Kamen Raidā Den'ō: Utatte, Odotte, Daitokkun!! begins when Ryotaro suggests to the Tarōs that they should all train together to get stronger, to which they all agree. Momotaros starts it off with warm up aerobic stretches and exercises. However, when everyone attempts Momotaros' Momo Dash, he goes too fast for them to keep up, and in the end, Momotaros is the last one standing as everyone had dropped to the ground in exhaustion. Momotaros immediately goes to Ryotaro and urges him to continue, but Ryotaro runs off ashamed and also with absolute pain in his legs. Suddenly, Sieg arrives to offer his aid, reminding Ryotaro of how he can achieve his goal with the aid of his friends, with scenes of the many forms of Den-O as well as Zeronos. Then Deneb and Hana arrive to reassure Ryotaro and with that, the gang train together with Momotaros once again. Everyone makes it through his training, but they all fall down again when Momotaros uses the Climax Spin. After Kintaros chides Momotaros for using the move, Urataros takes over with his reel-excerise before Kintaros does with his kicking excerises. But when Ryutaros is about to take his turn, the Spider Imagin, the Wolf Imagin, and Anthopper Imagin Ari, who had been extras throughout the exercises, finally make their move. Ryotaro assumes Den-O Liner Form, battling the three Imagin outside with the Tarōs' excerises that he just learned. However, after using Kintaros' exercise, he starts losing until Momotaros yells to switch to MomoSword Mode. Momotaros then advises Ryotaro to use the Climax spin to weaken the three before finishing them off with the FullThrottle Break. Upon returning to the Den-Liner, Ryotaro is congratulated by all the good Imagin who then fight over who gets to train Ryotaro first (except for Deneb, who just offers him Deneb Candy). This, however, stops when Kohana intervenes and chases everyone around. Ryotaro breaks the fourth wall by telling the viewers to start the DVD over from the beginning if they like to get stronger themselves before he and the gang resume their excerise.

Kamen Rider Kiva: You Can Also be Kiva

An nihongo|Adventure Battle DVD|アドベンチャーバトルDVD|Adobenchā Batoru Dī Bui Dī called nihongo|"Kamen Rider Kiva: You Can Also be Kiva"|仮面ライダーキバ キミもキバになろう|Kamen Raidā Kiba: Kimi mo Kiba ni Narō features Kiva teaming up with both Ixa Save Mode and Rising Ixa as well as the debut nihongo|DoGaBaKi Emperor Form|ドガバキエンペラーフォーム|Dogabaki Enperā Fōmu.

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