

Infobox CityIT
img_coa = Segni-stemma.gif
official_name = Comune di Segni
region = Lazio
province = Rome
elevation_m = 668
area_total_km2 = 61
population_as_of = December 31, 2004
population_total =9129
population_density_km2 = 144
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|41|41|N|13|01|E
frazioni =
telephone = 06
postalcode = 00037
gentilic = Segnini
saint = San Bruno
day = July 18
mayor = Renato Cacciotti (since June 2004)
website = []

Segni (in Latin "Signia") is an Italian town and comune located in Lazio. The city is situated on a hilltop in the Lepini Mountains, and overlooks the valley of the Sacco River.


Early history

According to ancient Latin sources, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, King of Rome, first brought Segni under Rome's control, but little evidence exists to support this claim. The town did become a Latin colony in 494 BCE (Livy 1.56.3; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 4.63). The ancient architectural remains at the site date mostly from the Republican period. These include a circuit of fortification walls built using polygonal masonry. The walls incorporated a system of gates, including the "Porta Saracena" which is covered by a large monolithic architrave. Atop the ancient acropolis of Segni sits the podium of the temple of Juno Moneta, which now supports a Medieval church of Saint Peter (tenth century).

Later history

On several occasions Segni served as a place of refuge for popes, and Eugene III erected a palace there. In the twelfth century it came into possession of the Counts of Marsi, hereditary enemies of the Orsini. The family called de' Conti produced several popes (Innocent III, Gregory IX and Alexander IV) and many cardinals. In 1558 Segni was sacked by the forces of the Duke of Alba in the war against Pope Paul IV; immense booty was captured, as the inhabitants of the other towns of the Campagna had fled thither.



* G.M. De Rossi "Segni" (1982).
* Francesco Maria Cifarelli "Il tempio di Giunone Moneta sull'acropoli di Segni: storia, topografia e decorazione architettonica" (2003).

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