Research International

Research International

Research International is a market research company, founded in 1962 and part of the Kantar Group, the parent company for WPP’s worldwide information and consultancy interests. Research International has offices in 50 countries and employs approximately 2,500 people across the world. Research International specializes in qualitative and quantitative custom market research. It has experience in most major sectors, particularly consumer packaged goods, retail, new media, financial services, energy and utilities, technology, the postal sector and telecommunications.

The London office of Research International is based in the More London estate. Research International's genesis was the market research division of Unilever.

Bob Meyers is CEO of the company.

Five main areas of specialisation

Research International structures services around five main areas:

(1) Innovation Management

(2) Brand Experience

(3) Market Strategy

(4) Market Survey

(5) Service Measurement

Further reading

*cite web|url=|title=UK’s Best Agencies Inseparable|date=2006-11-07|work=2006 Market Research and Excellence Awards

External links

* [ Research International]
* [ Research International France]

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