House organ

House organ

A house organ is magazine or periodical published by a company in order to promote that company's products. This usage derives from the use of 'organ' as referring to a periodical for a special interest group.

House organs come in two types, internal and external. An internal house organ is meant for consumption by the employees of the company as a channel of communication for the management. An external house organ is meant for consumption by the customers of the company, and may be either a free regular newsletter, or an actual commercial product in its own right.

A canonical example of a commercial house organ would be the "Avalon Hill General", which had no outside advertising (usually a major portion of a magazine's budget). It featured news, strategy articles, variants, and essays on game designall about Avalon Hill games. Until "very" late in its run, there was no mention of the game industry outside of Avalon Hill itself.


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  • house organ — Organ Or gan, n. [L. organum, Gr. ?; akin to ? work, and E. work: cf. F. organe. See {Work}, and cf. {Orgue}, {Orgy}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An instrument or medium by which some important action is performed, or an important end accomplished; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • house organ — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} giornale aziendale {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1987. ETIMO: comp. di house azienda e organ giornale …   Dizionario italiano

  • house organ — /ausˈɔrɡan, ingl. ˈhausˌmjuːzɪk/ [loc. ingl. «giornale (organ) dell azienda (house)»] loc. sost. m. inv. rivista aziendale, bollettino …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • house organ — / haʊz orgən/, it. /au sorgan/ locuz. ingl. (propr. organo [di stampa] della casa ), usata in ital. come s.m. (giorn.) [periodico pubblicato da un azienda per informare il proprio personale] ▶◀ ‖ bollettino …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • house organ — ☆ house organ n. a periodical published by a business firm for distribution among its employees, affiliates, etc …   English World dictionary

  • house organ — house′ or gan n. a periodical issued by a business, institution, or the like for its employees, customers, etc., presenting news about the organization and its personnel • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • house organ — noun a periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑organ …   Useful english dictionary

  • house organ — noun Date: 1907 a periodical distributed by a business concern among its employees, sales personnel, or customers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • house organ — a periodical issued by a business or other establishment for its employees, customers, and other interested readers, presenting news about the firm, its products, and its personnel. [1905 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • house organ — noun a privately published magazine or newspaper, generally for the employees of a company and visitors …   Wiktionary

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