- Kaldidalur
The Kaldidalur is the shortest of the highland tracks traversing the
Highlands of Iceland , therefore the nickname "highlands for beginners". Its name means "cold dale/valley".It begins a bit to the north ofÞingvellir and to the west of thevolcano Skjaldbreiður , which really comes up to its name (meaning "broad shield"). The track continues between the glaciersÞórisjökull and Ok and leads up to the north. To the east ofReykholt it comes near the "Reykholtsdalur" toHúsafell . Then it continues up to "Hvammstangi" at the "Miðfjörður".The other well known highland routes are
Kjölur andSprengisandur .External links
* [http://isafold.de/langhof97/img_kaldi2.htm Photos]
* [http://www.islandsmyndir.is/html_skjol/halendid/halendid/kaldidalur/kaldidalur_yfirlit1.htm Photos]
* [http://nat.is/travelguideeng/plofin_kalldidalur.htm description, engl.]
* [http://www.vegagerdin.is/english/road-conditions-and-weather/the-entire-country/island1e.html Current condition of Icelandic roads]
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