

"The term "phlog" may also be used to refer to a Photoblog"

A phlog is a type of daybook, similar to a blog, but run off a Gopher protocol server [ [ Phlog | ] ] . These phlogs are typically hosted off home servers running some sort of UNIX operating system, because a user account on the server is usually required to update the content. The gopher protocol provides no way for the user to update the content using the protocol itself as with HTTP POST. There are quite a few phlogs floating around gopherspace but the vast majority are not updated regularly.

Phlogs are usually arranged as a directory structure with the title or date of each entry, and a separate folder for archives. It is possible to have a few sentences under each link to a blog entry as a summary, or to host the phlog as one single text or HTML file; however, HTML files cannot be read by some pure gopher clients.Due to the limitations of the gopher protocol no commenting is possible unless one implements it using a separate Telnet [ [gopher:// WP2Gopher (gopher link)] ] , HTTP or Email-based interface.

The word is derived from "blog" but with the "ph" from gopher instead of the "b" from web.


External links

* [ Down the gopher hole]
* [gopher:// Hal 3000 Phlog] (gopher link)
* [gopher:// Port70 Phlog] (used to be (gopher link)
* [gopher:// Shamrockshire Phlog] (gopher link)
* [ ecophlog ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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