Abune Antonios

Abune Antonios

Infobox Abune

English name=Abune Antonios
term start=2004-04-25
predecessor=Abune Yacob
successor=Abune Dioskoros1
footnotes=1There is dispute about removal of his predecessor and his accession.

Abune Antonios was the 3rd Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church. He was forcefully deposed by the Eritrean government,cite news|url=http://www.metimes.com/storyview.php?StoryID=20060201-033933-4818r|title=Orthodox patriarch of Eritrea sacked|date=2006-02-01|accessdate=2007-02-05] and is currently under house arrest.

He was replaced as Patriarch by Abune Dioskoros in May 2007.


He was removed from office due to his misconduct

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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