Jorge Mas Canosa

Jorge Mas Canosa

Jorge Mas Canosa (September 21, 1939 – November 23, 1997) was a Cuban-American activist best known for his strong opposition to Fidel Castro and his leadership of the Cuban-American National Foundation. He was considered by many to be the leading figure in the Cuban-exile community in Miami, Florida.

In a series of interviews with the New York Times, Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban exile paramilitary who claimed responsibility for the bombings at hotels and nightclubs in Cuba in 1997 and is accused of the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, said his activities were directly supported by Jorge Mas Canosa. [ [ Posada: "I'll kill Castro if it's the last thing I do"] Observer, Sunday 19 July 1998] In 1998 the Cuban government charged The Cuban American National Foundation, which was founded in 1981 at the initiative of the Reagan administration and receives U.S. government funding [] with the continued financing of anti-Cuban terrorist activities [ [ Radio Havana] Cuba's news service for Friday, August 14, 1998]

His parents were Dr. Ramon Mas Cayado and Josefa de Carmen Canosa Aguilera and his siblings were Nancy, Ramon, Ricardo and Raul Mas-Canosa. He was married to Irma Santos-Espronceda and they had three children Juan Carlos, Jose Ramon, and Jorge Mas-Santos. He is buried at Woodlawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum (now Caballero Rivero Woodlawn North Park Cemetery and Mausoleum)


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