

Smikros (English transliteration: Small) was an ancient Greek vase painter who flourished in Athens from 510 until 500 BCE. He was active in the workshop of the Euphronios. Beside Euphronios, Euthymides, Hypsis and that Dikaios painter Smikros was one of the most important representatives of the so-called Pioneer Group of Athenian red figure vase painting.

From Smikros we have three signed vases. John Beazley called him an imitator of Euphronios. It is possible that Smikros cooperated in some late and not completely successful vases, which are assigned to Euphronios. On one psykter in the Hermitage (pc. Petersburg) Euphronios has a female figure with the inscription Smikra provided, which could be understood as allusion on his pupil. On another amphora stands It seems to belong to Smikros, which suggests possibly a co-operation of both artists. Smikros might also have decorated additionally another stamnos and two pelikai assigned to him.

Beazley called Smikros a bad draughtsman. This is, however, only in comparison with the other members of the Pioneer Group. It must be considered that the red figure vase painting was still in its infancy and the pioneers were still vigorously experimenting. A lack of ingenuity with the picture composition is not to be hidden. His designs are precise, yet become inaccurate with the representation of such details as ears and fingers. Also, the dress is often careless.


*A. A. Peredolskaja. "The Hermitage pelike by Smikros". In: "Epitymbion Roman Haken", Prag 1958, p. 100-101.
*Adolph Greifenhagen. "Smikros. Lieblingsinschrift und Malersignatur". In: "Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen", 9 (1967), p. 5-25.
*Adolph Greifenhagen. "Die Silene der Smikros-Amphora Berlin 1966.19". In: "Archäologischer Anzeiger 1974", p. 238-240.
*Martha Ohly-Dumm. "Euphroniosschale und Smikrosscherbe". In: "Münchner Jahrbuch", 25 (1974) p. 7-26.
*John Boardman. "Athenian red figure vases. The archaic period". London: Thames and Hudson Publishing, 1975.

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