

name = "Kollikodon ritchiei"
fossil_range = Early Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Monotremata
subordo = Platypoda
familia = Kollikodontidae
familia_authority = Flannery, Archer, Rich & Jones, 1995
genus = "Kollikodon"
genus_authority = Flannery, Archer, Rich & Jones, 1995
species = "K. ritchiei"
binomial = "Kollikodon ritchiei"
binomial_authority = Flannery, Archer, Rich & Jones, 1995

"Kollikodon ritchiei" is a fossil monotreme species. It is known only from an opalised dentary fragment, with one premolar and two molars "in situ". The fossil was found at Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia, as was "Steropodon".

"Kollikodon" lived in the lower Cretaceous period, during the middle Albian age (100-104 million years ago).

Like "Steropodon", "Kollikodon" was a relatively large mammal for the Mesozoic. The molars have a length of around 5.5 mm and a width of between about 4 to 6 mm, (Clemens et al, 2003). Based upon these data, the potential body length could be up to a metre. Assuming the accuracy of such a guess, "Kollikodon" would be a contender for the largest Mesozoic mammal known, along with other possible giants such as "Repenomamus", "Schowalteria", and "Bubodens".

Aside from its size, it is difficult to say what "Kollikodon" looked like. However, it may have been at least partly aquatic, as its strange teeth would work well for crushing shellfish.

Both "Kollikodon" and "Steropodon" can be found at the Australian Museum in Sydney, along with Eric, the opalised pliosaur.

Origin of "Kollikodon"'s name

"Kollix" is an ancient Greek word for a bread roll. The strange teeth of "Kollikodon", when seen from above, resemble hot cross buns, traditionally toasted and eaten on Good Friday.Originally, Dr. Mike Archer wanted to name it "Hotcrossbunodon", but this was disapproved of by his associates.

See also

* Fossil Monotremes

External links

* [http://www.amonline.net.au/fossil_sites/lightning.htm Australian Museum online: Lightning Ridge] Opal fossils from Oz.
* [http://www.austmus.gov.au/platypus/index.htm Australian Museum online] Some observations on "Hotcrossbunidon".
* [http://www.amonline.net.au/collections/highlights.htm Australian Museum online, Collection Highlights]


* Flannery, T.F., Archer, M., Rich, T.H., Jones, R. (1995) "A new family of monotremes from the Cretaceous of Australia". "Nature" 377: 418-420.

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