Raul — ist ein romanischer Vorname, siehe Raul (Vorname) – dort auch die Namensträger Personen: Raúl González Blanco, Spielername Raúl (* 1977), spanischer Fußballspieler Raúl (Sänger), Raúl Fuentes Cuenca (* 1975), spanischer Popsänger Fred Raul… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raúl Ramírez — Nationalität: Mexiko Mexiko … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fred McNair — Carrière professionnelle 1973 – 1983 … Wikipédia en Français
Raul Roulien — (bürgerlicher Name Raúl Pepe Acolti Gil; * 8. Oktober 1905 in Rio de Janeiro, RJ; † 8. September 2000 in São Paulo, SP) war ein brasilianischer Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor, Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, Cutter, Songwriter, Komponist, Pianist,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fred Reinfeld — (January 27, 1910 ndash; May 29, 1964) was an American chess player and a prolific writer. Biography Fred Reinfeld was one of the most prolific authors in history, having written or co written over 200 books. Most were about chess, including… … Wikipedia
Raúl Macías — Guevara (born July 28, 1934 in Mexico City) is a Cuban Mexican former boxer and actor who currently works as a boxing trainer. Born in the same Mexico City barrio as Ruben Olivares, Macias is Cuban on his parents side, but he has always expressed … Wikipedia
Fred Poché — Fred Poché, philosophe français né le 21 mai 1960. Sommaire 1 Parcours et axes de recherches 2 Livres 3 Principaux articles 4 Liens externes … Wikipédia en Français
Raúl Juliá — The title of this article contains the characters ú, and á. Where they are unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Raul Julia. Raúl Juliá Juliá at the cast party on the opening night of Design for Living … Wikipedia
Fred Astaire — El texto que sigue es una traducción defectuosa o incompleta. Si quieres colaborar con Wikipedia, busca el artículo original y mejora o finaliza esta traducción. Puedes dar aviso al autor principal del artículo pegando el siguiente código en su… … Wikipedia Español
José Raúl Capablanca — Infobox chess player playername = José Raúl Capablanca caption= birthname = José Raúl Capablanca country = CUB datebirth = birth date|1888|11|19 placebirth = Havana, Cuba datedeath = death date and age|1942|3|8|1888|11|19 placedeath = New York… … Wikipedia