Gum Drop

Gum Drop

"For the candy, see gumdrop. For the CSI episode, see Gum Drops. For the children's stories by Val Biro, see Gumdrop (fictional car)."

"Gum Drop" is a popular song written by Rudy Toombs.

The recording by The Crew-Cuts was released by Mercury Records as catalog number 70668. It first reached the Billboard magazine charts on August 27, 1955. On the Disk Jockey chart, it peaked at #14; on the Best Seller chart, at #10; on the Juke Box chart, at #20; on the composite chart of the top 100 songs, it reached #80. The peak at #80 on the top-100 list is misleading, however, because this list was begun after the song had reached its popularity peak, so it was headed off the list at that point. The flip side was "Present Arms."

Another recording (the original?) was by Otis Williams and the Charms, released by De Luxe Records as catalog number 45-6090.

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