ARA may refer to:
* Academic Research Alliance, an organization created to involve students in scientific activities
* Aerial Rocket Artillery, helicopter artillery units used in the Vietnam War
* Agricultural Relief Act, a program by Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression, as part of his New Deal
* Aircraft Research Association, an independent aviation research organization in Bedford, UK
* Alliance for Retired Americans, a senior citizen organization
* Alliance for Risk Assessment, a public health organization
* Amateur Rowing Association, the governing body of rowing in the United Kingdom
* American Railway Association, precursor to the Association of American Railroads
* American Relief Administration, a relief mission after WWI
* American Rental Association, an umbrella organization for construction, general tool and party/event rental stores in the U.S. and Canada
* American Rheumatism Association, a board of American Rheumatologists
* Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, used in the shipping industry
* Annual Report and Accounts, Statutory Reporting of Companies in UK
* Ant-based Routing Algorithm, a wireless mesh network routing protocol
* Anti-Racist Action, a network of anti-racist activists
* AppleTalk Remote Access, a communications protocol
* Applied Research Associates
* Arabic language, from its ISO 639-2 language code
* Arachidonic acid (also AA), as found in breast milk and infant formula
* Arcade and Attica Railroad, from its AAR reporting mark
* Armenian Revolutionary Army, an armed militant group
* Artistička Radna Akcija, compilation album released in former Yugoslavia
* Aryan Republican Army
* ASN RADIUS admin, an open source FreeRADIUS web administration interface
* Assets Recovery Agency, a British agency for the recovery of the proceeds of crime
* Associate of the Royal Academy (Royal Academy of Arts)
* Austin Radiological Association
* Australasian Raptor Association, a special interest group of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union
* Australian Regular Army
* Armada de la República Argentina, the navy of Argentina
* Project Ara (logic instruction), a coordinated effort to improve logic instruction]
* Association for Roman Archaeology []

Ara may also refer to:
* Ara (constellation)
* Ara (film), Turkish film by Ümit Ünal
* Ara (genus), a genus of macaw (parrot)
* Ara, Jharkhand, a census town in Hazaribag district in the state of Jharkhand, India
* Ara, Armenia, a town in Armenia
* Ara (lake), Norway
* Ara Parseghian, a former collegiate football coach
* Ara the Beautiful, an Armenian legendary figure
* Ara Dinkjian, Armenian oud player and composer
* Ara Tribe, a fictional Protoss tribe in the StarCraft Universe
* Arrah, in the state of Bihar, India
* L-arabinose operon("ara" operon)
* Go Ara, South Korean actress and model

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  • ara — [ ara ] n. m. • 1558; tupi ara, arara ♦ Grand perroquet d Amérique du Sud (psittaciformes), au plumage brillant. ⊗ HOM. Haras. ● ara nom masculin (mot tupi) Perroquet d Amérique latine, aux vives couleurs, au bec fort et crochu, vivant en bandes …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • ara — ARÁ, ar, vb. I. tranz. A răsturna cu plugul brazde de pământ în vederea pregătirii solului pentru cultivare. – lat. arare. Trimis de ana zecheru, 08.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  ARÁ vb. (rar) a scurma. (Tractoarele ara pământul.) Trimis de siveco, 05 …   Dicționar Român

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