La Befana

La Befana

La Befana is a character in Italian folklore, similar to Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus. The character may have originated in Rome, then spread as a tradition to peninsular Italy.

A popular belief is that her name derives from the festival of Epiphany, however there is evidence to suggest that Befana is descended from the Sabine/Roman goddess named Strina. In the book "Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs, Discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily", by Rev. John J. Blunt (John Murray, 1823) the author says:

"This Beffana appears to be heir at law of a certain heathen goddess called Strenia, who presided over the new-year's gifts, ' Strenae,' from which, indeed, she derived her name. (D. Augustin. de Civit. Dei, lib. iv. c. 16.) Her presents were of the same description as those of the Beffana—figs, dates, and honey. (Ov. Fast. i. 185.) Moreover her solemnities were vigorously opposed by the early Christians on account of their noisy, riotous, and licentious character" (Vide Rosini, ed. Dempster. lib. i. c.13, de Dea Strenia}. – page 120

In popular folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve of 6 January to fill their socks with candy if they are good or a lump of coal if they are bad. Being a good housekeeper, many say she will sweep the floor before she leaves. The child's family typically leaves a small glass of wine and a plate with a few morsels of food, often regional or local, for the Befana.

She is usually portrayed as an old lady riding a broomstick through the air wearing a black shawl and is covered in soot because she enters the children's houses through the chimney. She is often smiling and carries a bag or hamper filled with candy, gifts, or both.


Christian legend has it that La Befana was approached by the astrologers (the biblical three kings) a few days before Christ's birth. They asked for directions to where the Christ child was, but she did not know. She provided them with shelter for a night, as she was considered the best housekeeper in the village with the most pleasant home. They invited her to join them on the journey to find the Christ child, but she declined, stating she was too busy with her housework. Later, La Befana had a change of heart, and tried to search out for the astrologers and the Christ child. That night she was not able to find them, so to this day, La Befana is searching for the Christ child. She leaves all the good children toys and candy, while the bad children get coal.

She is also known as Tabina, but Tabina is the beautiful version of La Befana to the Italians.Fact|date=December 2007

Another Christian legend takes a slightly darker tone as La Befana was an ordinary woman with a child that she greatly loved. However, her child died, and her resulting grief maddened her. Upon hearing news of Jesus being born, she set out to see him, delusional that he was her son. She eventually met Jesus and presented him with gifts to make him happy. The infant Jesus was delighted, and he gave La Befana a gift in return; she would be the mother of every child in Italy.

Also, popular tradition avers that if one sees La Befana one will receive a thump from her broomstick, as she doesn't wish to be seen. This aspect of the tradition may be designed to keep children in their beds while parents are distributing candy (or coal) and sweeping the floor on Epiphany Eve.


Many people believe that the name Befana is derived from the mispronunciation of the Italian word "epifania" (English: epiphany). Others point to the name being a derivative of Bastrina, the gifts associated with the goddess Strina. In the book "Domestic Life in Palestine", by Mary E. Rogers (Poe & Hitchcock, 1865) the author notes:

"But an 'Essay on the Fine Arts,' by E. L. Tarbuck, led me to believe that this custom is a relic of pagan worship, and that the word "Bastrina" refers to the offerings which used to be made to the goddess Strenia. We could hardly expect that the pagans who embraced Christianity could altogether abandon their former creeds and customs. Macaulay says, "Christianity conquered paganism, but paganism infected Christianity; the rites of the Pantheon passed into her 'worship, and the subtilties of the Academy into her creed.' Many pagan customs were adopted by the new Church. T. Hope, in his 'Essay on Architecture,' says: 'The Saturnalia were continued in the Carnival, and the festival with offerings to the goddess Strenia was continued in that of the New Year…'”" – page 408

An interesting theory connects the tradition of exchanging gifts to an ancient Roman festivity in honour of Ianus and Strenia (in Italian a Christmas gift is called "strenna"), celebrated at the beginning of the year, when Romans were used to giving each other presents.

The tradition of La Befana appears to incorporate other pre-Christian popular elements as well, adapted to Christian culture and related to the celebration of the New Year. Historian Carlo Ginzburg relates her to Nicevenn. The old lady character should then represent the "old year" just passed, ready to be burned in order to give place to the new one. In many European countries the tradition still exists of burning a puppet of an old lady at the beginning of the New Year, called Giubiana in Northern Italy, with clear Celtic origins. Italian anthropologists Claudia and Luigi Manciocco, in their book "Una Casa Senza Porte" (House without a Door) trace Befana's origins back to Neolithic beliefs and practices.

La Befana today

Traditionally, all Italian children may expect to find a lump of "coal" in their stockings (actually rock candy made black with caramel coloring), as every child has been at least occasionally bad during the year.

In the center of Rome, in Piazza Navona, a popular market, the "Fiera della Befana" takes place each year between Christmas and the Epiphany. There toys, sugar charcoal and candies are sold for the Roman children.

The Feast of La Befana in Rome has been immortalized in four famous sonetti in Roman dialect by the nineteenth century Roman poet Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli.

Poems & Songs

There are poems about La Befana, which are known in slightly different versions throughout Italy. Here is one of the versions:

"La Befana vien di notte"
"Con le scarpe tutte rotte"
"Col vestito alla romana"
"Viva, Viva La Befana!"

The English translation is:

"La Befana comes by night"
"With her shoes all tattered-and-torn"
"She comes dressed in the Roman way"
"Long life to the Befana!"

Another version told by people in the Province of Trento (northern Lake Garda):

"Viene, viene la Befana"
"Vien dai monti a notte fonda"
"neve e gelo la circondan.."
"neve e gelo e tramontana!"
"Viene, viene la Befana"

The English translation is:

"Here comes, here comes the Befana"
"she comes from the mountains in the deep of the night"
"snow and frost (ice) surrounds her"
"snow and frost and the West wind"
"here comes, here comes the Befana!"

Tramontana: English - Tramontane: "a classical name for a northern wind." OR from "tra i monti" = "from the mountains" = cold wind, typically from the north.

Another song, this one by Italian pop singer and entertainer Gianni Morandi:

"Trullala’ Trullala’ Trullala’."
"La Befana vien di notte "
"con le scarpe tutte rotte, "
"con la calza appesa al collo, "
"col carbone, col ferro e l’ottone. "
"Sulla scopa per volare. "
"Lei viene dal mare. "
"Lei viene dal mare. "
"E la neve scendera’ "
"sui deserti del Maragia’, "
"dall’Alaska al Canada’. "
"E partire lei dovra’ "
"e cantando partira’ "
"da ciociara si vestira’, "
"con il sacco arrivera’, "
"la bufera vincera’. "
"E cantando trullala’, "
"la Befana arrivera’. "
"Trulalla’ Trullala’ Trullala’."

"Un bambino, grande come un topolino,"
"si è infilato nel camino, "
"per guardarla da vicino. "
"Quando arriva la Befana "
"senza denti "
"salta, balla, beve il vino."
"Poi di nascosto s’ allontana "
"con la notte appiccicata alla sottana."

"E un vento caldo soffiera’ "
"sui deserti del Maragia’, "
"dall’Alaska al Canada’. "
"Solo una stella brillera’ "
"e seguirla lei dovra’, "
"per volare verso il nord "
"e la strada è lunga "
"ma la bufera vincera’. "
"E cantando Trullala’, "
"la Befana se ne va. "
"E cantando Trullala’ "
"Truallalero Trullala’ "
"Trullala’ Trullala’ Trullala’ "


External Links

* [ Roots of Befana Legend]
* [ Befana, an academic view]

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