Thorn (Dungeons & Dragons)

Thorn (Dungeons & Dragons)

(For other uses, see: Thorn)

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Thorn is a monstrous humanoid. They are nomadic, green-skinned hunters/rogues who dwell in Cactus fields in the desert.

Proposed physical description

Thorns are short, rarely exceeding 2 or 3 feet, and are relatively humanoid. They have rather thin limbs. They have sharp yet precise facial features, and commonly arrange their blonde hair in a conical shape. Their skin, as said before, is pale green in color, and is covered in a layer of soft spiny hairs, hence it mirrors the skin of their Cacti homesOr|date=January 2008.

Proposed society

Thorns, for the most part, are a peaceful and reclusive race which ignores and is ignored by the civilized world{ [who. They dwell far away in the desert, carving out dwellings from Cacti and constructing huts from reeds and tumbleweedOr|date=January 2008. Their main interest is to hunt and survive, and if attacked they would typically rather flee and establish a village someplace else, but nonetheless, Thorns can be fierce fightersWho|date=January 2008. In addition to large numbers (Thorns usually attack in hordes, they also have the benefit of camouflage (remember their cactus-like skin and their preferred habitat), plus the thorny defences that both their skin and their cactusy homes provide. They fight with small spears tipped with cactus thorns, and an exotic, cross-shaped weapon known as the Thorndel. Thorns are usually peaceful, however, and, also as said before, would rather run than fight unless for a particularly special reasonWho|date=January 2008.

Thorns speak Undercommon, and a buzzing, clicking tongue of their ownOr|date=January 2008.

They are neutral in alignmentvague.

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