

Schlage is a lock manufacturer founded in 1920 by Walter Schlage in San Francisco. Schlage is one of the most popular brands of consumer and commercial locks in the United States. Schlage also produces high-security key and cylinder lines, Primus, Everest and Everest Primus XP.

product types

High Security


Primus/Primus XP:
In addition to six cuts for standard locking mechanism, there are five side finger pins to operate the secondary sidebar lock. Primus keys will operate non-Primus locks within the same system. Primus blanks and keyways are slightly thinner to prevent the entry of non-Primus keys, however even if a standard key is altered to allow entry, it will not operate Primus locks. This design was protected until 2007 under US Patent # 4,756,177. The current generation Primus, called the Primus XP is a slight modification to the original design and is protected until 2024 under US 7,159,424

Features a patented under groove in the keyway design protected against cloning by utility patents until 2014. Relevant patents are: US 5,715,717 and US 5,809,816. Just like the classic series, Everest Primus keys can operate Everest non-Primus locks, but not the other way around. Everest Primus XP is an extension to Primus Everest and the XP design is protected until 2024 under US 7,159,424

Schlage classic


The most common type. The common residential hardware keyway that competes directly with the Kwikset KW1 is known as 35-100C or referred as SC1 in EZ code.

There are 7 different keywaysC,CE,E,EF,F,FG and G.There is a special "P" keyway designed to accept any of the 7 keys and a special key blank designed to be accepted into all 7 keyways, 35-101 L which is made of stainless steel and requires a special machine to cut.

Horizontal mirror image of obverse keyways, no longer offered in new key systems and it is not available with Primus option.

A large family of keyways expressed as four numbers. You can only have the same number once, except zeroes in the keyway designation. i.e. 3578, 1358 and 1200 are valid, but 1244 and 3300 are not. Primus cannot be implemented on this series.

Expressed in four characters, such as WSTP, VTQP, etc. This is a very large family. Available in Primus.

There is no law against duplicating the reverse, numbered or quad key blanks. They're not patented and are not protected against third party manufacturing [ Master Keying 101 accessed Apr 18 2008, now defunct. ]

As of 2008, Primus keys are no longer protected by patents, therefore anyone is free to duplicate them. The Everest's patents will expire in 2014 [ [ Everest FAQs - Everest Primus by Schlage ] ]

In 1974, Schlage became part of the Ingersoll Rand company.


* [ History of Schlage]

External links

* [ Schlage Lock Company: Detailed Company History on]
* [ Schlage Lock: Official Site]
* [ Ingersoll Rand Site]


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