- Lil' Nation
CPO, Boss Hogg, or Lil Nation was a rapper signed to
Ruthless Records as Lil Nation. He was the vocalist in the rap groupCapital Punishment Organization , or C.P.O. Capital Punishment Organization's only released album was titledTo Hell and Black and released in 1990. It was produced by and featuredMC Ren (ofN.W.A. ) andYoung D . He was in the song "Findum, Fuckum and Flee" byN.W.A. from their 1991 album "Niggaz4life ". He later appeared as C.P.O. Boss Hogg on thesoundtrack s to "Above The Rim " and "Murder Was The Case ",2Pac 's "All Eyez on Me ",RBX ' "The Shining ", andTha Eastsidaz self-titled album, among others.References
* " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CEED7133EF934A35753C1A966958260&sec=&pagewanted=1 "Gangster R
] ",
The New York Times . October 7, 1990.
* [http://www.discogs.com/release/226372 "To Hell and Black" (1990) track list]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.