- Alexander Wittek
Alexander Wittek (12th October 1852,
Sisak – 11th May 1894,Graz ) [http://www.newinchess.com/Wittek__Alexander-ip-65594.html] was anAustria n architect and chess master.As an architect Wittek worked in
Bosnia and Herzegovina duringAustro-Hungarian Empire . His most famous works inSarajevo are the City Hall building called "Vijećnica "(1892-1894) [http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/Regional/SEE/IRPPSAAH/PTA/PTA_BosniaandHerzegovina_TownHallSarajevo_APP.pdf] (later it became the National Library) and theSebilj public fountain (1891), both built in the pseudo-Moorish style.http://www.sarajevo-guide.com/attractions.htm]Wittek was also a Croatian-Austrian chess master. He tied for 5-6th at Berlin 1881 (2nd DSB–Congress,
Joseph Henry Blackburne won), and took 9th at Vienna 1882 (Wilhelm Steinitz andSimon Winawer won). In 1882 he was ranked 9th in the world. [http://db.chessmetrics.com/CM2/PlayerProfile.asp?Params=199510SSSSS3S143402000000141000000000033310100]Wittek died in a lunatic asylum in Graz in 1894 having been diagnosed with a "paralytic mental disorder" the previous year.http://www.klinikum-graz.at/cms/dokumente/10094691_2096265/888a95f9/Ztg%20KlinOptikum%206_07%20druckverson_070725n.pdf] . One source says that he committed
suicide but another cites tuberculosis.references
External links
* [http://www.chessgames.com/perl/kibitzing?kid=P10425&reply=2 Alexander Wittek games of chess]
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