List of Sikhs

List of Sikhs

This article lists historical personalities who are important to the Sikh religion:

* Mai Bhago ( is one of the most famous women in Sikh history. She is always pictured on horseback wearing a turban with her headscarf gracefully flowing in the wind, courageously leading an army into battle. A staunch Sikh by birth and upbringing, she was distressed to hear in 1705 that some of the Sikhs of her village who had gone to Anandpur to fight for Guru Gobind Singh had deserted him under adverse conditions. She rallied the deserters, persuading them to meet the Guru and apologize to him. She led them back to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battlefield at Muktsar (Khidrana) Punjab. She thereafter stayed on with Guru Gobind Singh as one of his bodyguards, in male attire. After the death of Guru Gobind Singh at Nanded in 1708, she retired further south. She settled down at Jinvara, where, immersed in meditation, she lived to a ripe old age.

* Mata Khivi (1506-1582) is the only woman mentioned in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. She was the wife of Guru Angad, and established the langar system, a free kitchen where all people were served as equals. Only the best possible ingredients were used, and everyone was treated with utmost courtesy. Her hospitality has been emulated over the centuries and has become the first cultural identity of the Sikhs. She helped her husband to establish the infant Sikh community on a stronger footing, and is described as good natured, efficient, and beautiful.

*Bhai Gurdas (1551-1637) is one of the most eminent literary personalities in the history of the Sikh religion. He was a brilliant scholar, poet and the scribe of the Adi Granth. He was an able missionary and an accomplished theologian. Being well versed in Indian religious thought, he was able to elaborate profoundly the tenets of Sikhism.

*Bhagat Puran Singh(1904-1992) was a great visionary, an accomplished environmentalist and a symbol of selfless service to humanity. He was the founder of the All India Pingalwara charitable society which imparts service to the poor, downtrodden, the dying, and the mentally and physically handicapped people.

*Hazrat Mian Mir (c. 1550-August 11, 1635) popularly known as Mian Mir is a famous Sufi saint who resided in Lahore, specifically in the town of "Begampura" (in present-day Pakistan). He belonged to the Qadiri order of Sufism. He is famous for being a spiritual instructor of Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He is identified as the founder of the Main Khail branch of the Qadiri order.
Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Sikh Guru, often visited Lahore, the birth-place of his father (the fourth Guru, Guru Ram Das) to meet his relatives. On the occasion of one of these visits, he called on Mian Mir. The two men of God met and became life-long friends. Mian Mir was thirteen years older than Guru Arjan.

*Bhai Mardana (1459-1534) was of the Muslim faith and a long term companion of the Sikh founder guru, Nanak throughout his extensive journeys across the India and abroad. He was son of a Mirasi (a professional group of genealogists) born to the couple, Badra and Lakkho, of Talvandi Rai Bhoe, now Nankana Sahib, in Sheikhupura district of Pakistan. Mardana came to Guru Nanak to seek help because many members of his family were passing on at a young age. Guru Nanak Dev ji told him not to worry and that his family members will no longer pass before their time hence the name "mar-da-na" meaning 'will not die' (in Punjabi) was given to Bhai Mardana.

* Sri Chand (1494-1629 [] ) was the first son of Guru Nanak, raised by his sister. Sri Chand was a renounciate yogi. After his father left Sri Chand stayed in Dera Baba Nanak and maintained Guru Nanak's temple. He established the Udasi order who travelled far and wide to spread the Word of Nanak.

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