- George A. Keyworth, II
Dr. George Albert II Keyworth (G. A. Keyworth) (born 1939), U.S.
physicist ; presidentialScience Advisor 1981-1985. He was a board member ofHewlett Packard who was asked to step down in light of the controversy surrounding disclosure of sensitive information to the media. [cite news | title = Dunn For? | publisher =Forbes | first = Parmy | last = Olsen | url = http://www.forbes.com/facesinthenews/2006/09/07/hewlett-packard-dunn-cx_po_0907autofacescan01.html | date =2006-09-07 | accessdate = 2006-09-08 ] He resigned onSeptember 13 ,2006 .cite news | url = http://www.usatoday.com/tech/techinvestor/corporatenews/2006-09-12-hp-hurd-advantage_x.htm | title = New HP chief makes the best of a bad situation | publisher =USA Today | date =2006-09-13 | accessdate = 2006-09-25 ]Career
Keyworth in 2001 was quoted as saying that "the whole argument for SDI [President Reagan's
Strategic Defense Initiative ] ... was a pack of lies, unadulterated lies." [Shapin, Steven. 'Guests in the President's House.' London Review of Books (18 Oct. 2001)]Keyworth has been chairman and senior fellow with The Progress & Freedom Foundation since 1995. [cite web | title = Advisory Committee | publisher = Progress & Freedom Foundation | work = The Digital Age Communications Act Project | accessdate = 2006-09-08 | url = http://www.pff.org/daca/advisorycomm.html#keyworth ] cite web | url = http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1248 | title = George A. (Jay) Keyworth II profile | work =
RightWeb | date =2003-11-20 | accessdate = 2006-09-25 ]He was
Science Advisor to the president and director of theWhite House 'sOffice of Science and Technology Policy from 1981 to 1986. [cite web | title = Past Science Advisors | work = Office of Science and Technology Policy | url = http://www.ostp.gov/html/_pastadvisors.html | accessdate = 2006-09-08 ] He is also a director of General Atomics.Hewlett Packard resignation
In early 2005, after
news leak s about then-CEOCarly Fiorina 's clashes with the board surfaced, Fiorina hired a law firm to find the source. In February 2005, Fiorina left the company andPatricia Dunn , non-executive chairwoman, continued the investigation. As part of a larger scandal, a subcontractor usedpretexting to expose Keyworth as the source of a leak toCnet , and he was outed at aMay 18 ,2006 board meeting. At the meeting, Dunn asked Keyworth to resign, he refused, and another board member (Tom Perkins ) resigned over the way Keyworth was being treated.cite news | url = http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/09/06/BUGA9KVQU91.DTL&feed=rss.business | title = HP pushing out veteran member of board | first = Benjamin | last = Pimentel | publisher =San Francisco Chronicle | date =2006-09-06 | accessdate = 2006-09-25 ] HP revealed the story onSeptember 6 ,2006 and said that they were not seeking Keyworth's reelection to the board. Coinciding withMark V. Hurd 's promotion to chairman, Keyworth resigned onSeptember 12 .Keyworth had been a director of HP since 1986 and, until his resignation, was the longest-serving director at the company.
See also
* Tom Perkins
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.