

name = Hemiramphodon

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Subadult female freshwater bearded halfbeak, "Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus", about 4 cm long. This species clearly shows the extended lower jaw that provides halfbeaks with their common name.
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Beloniformes
familia = Hemiramphidae
genus = "Hemirhamphodon"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision ="H. chrysopunctatus"
"H. kapuasensis"
"H. kuekenthali"
"H. phaiosoma"
"H. pogonognathus"

"Hemirhamphodon" is a genus of halfbeak found in peaty and lowland forest streams in Southeast Asia. Six species are known, all relatively small, the largest species being about 10 cm in length. These fish are viviparous and are sometimes kept as aquarium fish, but otherwise have no commercial value.


* [http://www.fishbase.org/NomenClature/ValidNameList.cfm?criteria=SYNONYMS.SynGenus+%3D+%27Hemirhamphodon%27++AND+SYNONYMS.SynSpecies+like+%27%25%25%27+&vtitle=Scientific+Names+where+genus+equals+%3Ci%3EHemirhamphodon%3C%2Fi%3E Entry of genus "Hemirhamphodon" on Fishbase]
* [http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/aquaria/halfbeaks.html Description of the maintenance and breeding of freshwater halfbeaks.]

ee also

* Live-bearing aquarium fish

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