- Zuhra Bahman
Zuhra Bahman is the co-founder of the
Afghan Youth Council inLondon ,Great Britain .In 2000, she founded the refugee wing of the Afghan
NGO Youth and Children Development Program inIslamabad ,Pakistan .Currently she is a student in
anthropology andlaw in theLondon School of Economics .Zuhra also founded the Afghan Youth Fund, a charity based in the UK.
* [http://www.theglobalist.com/DBWeb/AuthorBiography.aspx?AuthorId=422 A bio at "The Globalist"]
* [http://www.youthactionnet.org/yan_awards/awardwinner.cfm?awid=47 A bio at YouthActionNet]
* [http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/030120fa_fact1 article in "The New Yorker" mentioning Zuhra Bahman]
* [http://www.iyp.oxfam.org/partners/western_europe/zuhra_bahman.asp Biography of Zuhra Bahman Internal Youth Parliament Oxfam, Australia]
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