

name = "Calliactis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Cnidaria
classis = Anthozoa
ordo = Actiniaria
familia = Hormathiidae
genus = "Calliactis"
genus_authority = Verrill, 1869
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Calliactis" is a genus of sea anemones. They are usually found in association with hermit crabs in Britain. It is attached to the shell; occasionally on living whelks or on shells or stones.


Exclusively sublittoral in occurrence but sometimes washed up on the shore during storms. The tentacles are moderate in length, up to about 700 in number. The diameter of the base measures up to 80 mm and height to 100 mm. The column is yellow/buff in colour, mottled and spotted with brown or reddish. The markings usually form vertical stripes, often with black, red or purple spots in addition. The lower column has vertical, pale yellow stripes. The disc and tentacles are cream, rarely pink or orange, the tentacles usually with inconspicuous broken brown lines.


*"Calliactis algoaensis"
*"Calliactis androgyna"
*"Calliactis annulata"
*"Calliactis argentacoloratus"
*"Calliactis brevicornis"
*"Calliactis conchicola"
*"Calliactis japonica"
*"Calliactis parasitica"
*"Calliactis polypores"
*"Calliactis polypus"
*"Calliactis reticulata"
*"Calliactis sinensis"
*"Calliactis tricolor", hermit anemone
*"Calliactis valdiviae"
*"Calliactis variegata"
*"Calliactis vincentina"
*"Calliactis xishaensis"



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