

Infobox Automobile
name=Fulgura - also Fulgura Laraki

class=Sports car
body_style=2-door coupé
gearbox=6 speed Sequential
related = Lamborghini Diablo

Fulgura (or Fulgura Laraki) ( _ar. فولغورا) is the brand name of the first Arab African and Moroccan sports car. It was originally designed and produced in Casablanca, Morocco. It was entirely conceived and manufactured by Laraki group.

The Laraki Fulgura was the company's first attempt at a sports car. Originally unveiled as a concept at the 2002 Geneva Motor Show, the production version debuted a year later at the same show. A slightly redesigned version of the bodywork was unveiled in 2005.

The car is known by its luxurious design. Based on the frame and mechanicals of a Lamborghini Diablo, the Fulgura receives a quad-turbo Mercedes-Benz 6.0L V12 producing 680hp, attached to a 6-speed manual transmission. A new aerodynamic carbon fibre body is also added. This brings the Fulgura to an estimated price of $555,750.

Performance for the Fulgura is an estimated top speed of 217mph (350km/h) and acceleration of 0 - 60mph in 4.5 seconds.

ee also

* Borac Laraki
* Ferrari 360

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