National Security Strategy

National Security Strategy

National Security Strategy may refer to

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  • National Security Strategy — Die National Security Strategy (dt.: „Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie“) stellt einen Bericht und eine Handlungserklärung der Bundesregierung der Vereinigten Staaten zur Sicherheitspolitik des Landes dar. Die Ausarbeitung einer solchen Strategie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • National Security Strategy (United States) — The National Security Strategy is a document prepared periodically by the executive branch of the government of the United States for Congress which outlines the major national security concerns of the United States and how the administration… …   Wikipedia

  • National Security Strategy of the United States — The National Security Strategy of the United States of America is a document prepared periodically by the executive branch of the government of the United States for congress which outlines the major national security concerns of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • National Security Strategy vom September 2002 — Die National Security Strategy (NSS) der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vom September 2002 ist Teil regelmäßig ergänzter und überarbeiteter Berichte zur außenpolitischen Nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie, die von der US amerikanischen Regierung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • National Security Strategy (United Kingdom) — The British government s current National Security Strategy was published in October 2010, entitled A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncertainty .[1] It outlines threats facing Britain, and defences against these threats. It emphasises the risks… …   Wikipedia

  • National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom — The British government s current public National Security Strategy is outlined in a document, The National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom: Security in an interdependent world released by the Cabinet Office in March 2008. As part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • national security strategy — The art and science of developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power (diplomatic, economic, military, and informational) to achieve objectives that contribute to national security. Also called national strategy or grand …   Military dictionary

  • The National Security Strategy of the United States of America — Die National Security Strategy (dt.: „Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie“) stellt einen Bericht und eine Handlungserklärung der Bundesregierung der Vereinigten Staaten zur Sicherheitspolitik des Landes dar. Die Ausarbeitung einer solchen Strategie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • national military strategy — The art and science of distributing and applying military power to attain national objectives in peace and war. Also called NMS. See also military strategy; national security strategy; strategy; theater strategy …   Military dictionary

  • National security — Security measures taken to protect the Houses of Parliament in London, UK. These heavy blocks of concrete are designed to prevent a car bomb or other device being rammed into the building. National security is the requirement to maintain the… …   Wikipedia

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