Experiment in International Living

Experiment in International Living

The Experiment in International Living, EIL, or the Experiment, is an organization offering High School, Language, Summer camp Volunteer Programs of international cross-cultural education for high school students in the United States. The Experiment in International Living introduced the concept of a homestay to the world when it was founded in 1932, placing “Experimenters” in the homes of host families to enhance the intercultural and/or language study aspects of each program. Since the introduction of homestays, organizations including the People to People Student Ambassador Program and SYA have adopted this cultural immersion technique to facilitate understanding.

The Experiment in International Living's mission remains "to foster peace through understanding, communication, and cooperation" [http://www.usexperiment.org/overview.html EIL Program Overview - The Experiment in International Living ] ] and "to share experiences, languages, and customs with those from different traditions, with the goals of broadening horizons, gaining lifelong friends, and advancing peace." [http://www.experiment.org/federation.htm]

Homestays are the focus of every Experiment program. Students spend multiple weeks of the program living with a family in their home usually separated from an urban environment. The principle of the homestay is based on World Learning's philosophy that the best way to understand another culture is to live as a member of one of its families."

In a single three to five week international program, students spend time with a host family and participate in activities with their group of "Experimenters". Each Experiment program focuses on at least one of the following six themes: community service, ecology, language training, travel, arts, or peace/conflict studies. Programs are strengthened by group leaders and in-country guides. As part of the application process, students must submit a letter to a prospective host family, (in either English, Spanish, or French depending on the purpose and location of the program) upon which the host families will choose a student guest. Students may apply either online [ [http://www.usexperiment.org/apply_online.html The Experiment in International Living ] ] or through the mail.

Currently the Experiment hosts programs in 27 countries including Argentina, Australia, Belize, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, People's Republic of China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Poland, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States (Navajo Nation). Knowledge of a foreign language is expected on certain trips, thus experience in Spanish for at least a year is required for trips to Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Spain. Similarly students are expected to study French for at least a year prior to a program in either France or Switzerland.

ee also

*World Learning
*School for International Training
*SIT Study Abroad
*SIT Graduate Institute
*Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange


External links

* [http://www.usexperiment.org/index.html usexperiment.org] , US Official Website
* [http://www.experiment.org/ experiment.org] , Federation EIL
* [http://www.worldlearning.org/ worldlearning.org] , World Learning
* [http://www.eilireland.org/ eilireland.org] , EIL Intercultural Learning
* [http://rehrig.net/eil rehrig.net/eil] Alumni site for EIL/CBIV (Experiment in Living, Congress-Bundestag IV), 1987-1988, administered by alumnus Paul Rehrig
* [http://www.volunteerabroad.ie] , Volunteer Abroad

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