Kwantung Army

Kwantung Army

Infobox Military Unit
unit_name= Kwantung Army

caption=Kwantung HQ in Hsinking, Manchukuo
dates=April 1906- August 1945
country= Empire of Japan
branch= Imperial Japanese Army
type= Infantry
role= Army group
garrison=Hsinking, Manchukuo
nickname= nihongo|Toku|徳兵団|Special
*Second Sino-Japanese War
**Huanggutun Incident
**invasion of Manchuria
**Pacification of Manchukuo
**Operation Nekka
**Operation Chahar
*Soviet-Japanese Border Wars
**Battle of Lake Khasan
**Battle of Khalkhin Gol
*World War II
*Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation

The nihongo|Kwantung Army|関東軍| Kantōgun, also known as the Guandong Army (zh-stpw|t=關東軍|s=关东军|p=Guāndōngjūn|w=Kwan-tung chün|; _ko. 관동군), was an army group of the Imperial Japanese Army in the early twentieth century. It became the largest and most prestigious command in the IJA. Many of its personnel, such as Chief of Staff Hideki Tojo, were promoted to high positions in both the military and civil government in the Empire of Japan and it was largely responsible for the creation of the Japanese-dominated Empire of Manchukuo. "Kwantung" means "east of Shanhaiguan," a guarded pass, east of which lies Manchuria.



Following the Russo-Japanese War, Japan obtained the Kwantung Leased Territory and the areas adjacent to the South Manchurian Railway. The Kwantung Garrison was established in 1906 to defend this territory, and originally was composed of an infantry division and a heavy siege artillery battalion, supplemented with six independent garrison battalions as railway guards deployed along the South Manchurian Railway Zone, giving a total troop strength of 10,000 men. It was headquartered in Ryojun. After a reorganization in 1919, the Kwantung Garrison was renamed the Kwantung Army.

In the highly politicized Imperial Japanese Army of the 1920s and 1930s, the Kwangtung Army was a stronghold of the radical "Kodoha", and many of its senior leaders overtly advocated political change in Japan through the violent overthrow of the civilian government to bring about a Showa Restoration, with a reorganization of society and the economy along totaliarian state socialist lines. They also advocated a more aggressive, expansionistic foreign policy with regards to the Asian mainland. Members, or former members, of the Kwantung Army were active in numerous coup d'etat attempts against the civilian government, cumulating with the February 26 Incident of 1936. [Harries, "Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army" ]

Independent actions

Although the Kwangtung Army was nominally subordinate to the Imperial General Headquarters and the senior staff at the Army General Staff, its leadership demonstrated significant capability of autonomous action. Conspirators within the junior officer corp of the Kwantung Army plotted and executed the assassination of Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin in the Huanggutun Incident of 1928. Afterwards, the Kwantung Army leadership engineered the Mukden Incident and the subsequent invasion of Manchuria in 1931 in a massive scale act of "gekokujo" insubordination against the express orders of the political and military leadership based in Tokyo.

Presented with the fait accompli, Imperial General Headquarters had little choice but to follow up on the actions of the Kwantung Army with reinforcements in the subsequent Pacification of Manchukuo. The success of the campaign meant that the insubordination of the Kwantung Army was rewarded rather than punished.

With the foundation of Manchukuo in 1932, Kwantung Army played a controlling role in the political administration of the new state as well as in its defense. The commander in chief of the Kwantung Army simultaneously held the post of Japanese ambassador to Manchukuo. With the Kwantung Army administering all aspects of the politics and economic development of the new state, this made the Kwantung Army commander equivalent to a resident general, with the authority to approve or countermand any command from the nominal emperor of Manchukuo, Puyi. [ Young, "Japan's Total Empire: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism" ]

The Kwantung Army was heavily augmented over the next few years up to a strength of 700,000 troops by 1941 and its headquarters was transferred to the new Manchukuo capital of Hsinking. The Kwantung Army also oversaw the creation, training and equipping of an auxiliary force, the Manchukuo Imperial Army. During this time, Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda worked as liaison officer between the Imperial house and the Kwantung Army. [Yamamuro, "Manchuria Under Japanese Domination" ]

econd World War

After the campaign to secure Manchukuo, the Kwangtung Army continued to fight in numerous border skirmishes with China as part of its efforts to create a Japanese-dominated buffer zone in northern China. The Kwantung Army also fought in the opening phase of the Second Sino-Japanese War in Operation Nekka, and various actions in Inner Mongolia to extend Japanese domination over portions of northern China and Inner Mongolia. When War broke out in the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in July 1937 its forces participated in Battle of Beiping-Tianjin and Operation Chahar. Later forces were taken from Kwangtung Army to support the war in China from time to time.

However, the much vaunted reputation of the Kwantung Army was severely challenged in battle against the Soviet Union's Red Army at the Battle of Lake Khasan in 1938 and subsequent Battle of Nomonhan in 1939, during which time it sustained heavy casualties. After the Nomonhan incident, the Kwantung Army was purged of its more insubordinate elements, as well as proponents of the "Hokushin-ron" doctrine who urged that Japan concentrate its expansionist efforts on Siberia rather southward towards China and Southeast Asia. [ Coox, "Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939" ]

Although a source of constant unrest during the 1930s, the Kwantung Army remained remarkably obedient during the 1940s. As combat spread south into central China and southern China in the Second Sino-Japanese War, and with the outbreak of the Pacific War, Manchukuo was largely a backwater to the conflict.

However, as the war situation began to deteriorate for the Imperial Japanese Army on all fronts, the huge, well-trained and well-equipped Kwangtung Army could no longer be held in strategic reserve. Many of its front line units were systematically stripped of their best units and equipment, which were sent south against the forces of the United States in the Pacific Islands or the Philippines. Other units were sent south into China for Operation Ichi-Go.

At the time of the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, when the Soviet Red Army invaded Manchukuo, Inner Mongolia, Korea and Japanese held islands in August 1945, the Kwantung Army's strength was still at around 600,000 men, with one armored division, 25 infantry divisions, six independent brigades, and up to 25 security battalions. However, the men remaining were largely semi-trained conscripts or raw recruits, equipped primarily as a counterinsurgency and border security force and unable to withstand the massive Soviet armored and mechanized infantry invasion.

urrender of the Kwantung Army

The final commander in chief of the Kwantung Army, General Otozo Yamada, ordered a surrender on August 16 1945, one day after Emperor Hirohito announced the defeat of the Japanese empire in a radio announcement. Some Japanese divisions refused to surrender, and combat continued for the next few days. Marshal Hata received "Ultimatum to surrender" from Soviet General Georgii Shelakhov [ Surrender of the Kwantung Army. Military Memoirs. [] ] [ Thunder in the East. Vladimir Karpov. 2005. [] ] in Harbin on August 18, 1945. [ Surrender of the Kwantung Army. Military Memoirs. [] ] He was one of the senior generals who agreed with the decision to surrender, and on August 19th, 1945, Hata had talks with Marshal Aleksandr Vasilevsky, [The Soviet Strategic Offensive in Manchuria, 1945: August Storm By David M. Glantz. [,M1] ] but asked that he be stripped of his title of Field Marshal in atonement for the Armys failures in the war. [Budge, Pacific War Online Encyclopedia]

The remnants of the Kwantgung Army either lay dead on the battlefield or were on their way to Soviet Prisoner-of-war camps. Over five hundred thousand of Japanese prisoners of war were forced to work as slave labor in Soviet labor camps in Siberia, Russian Far East and Mongolia. The survivors were not freed until after the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and the Soviet Union in the mid-1950s.

War crimes

After the surrender of Japan, the Soviet Red Army discovered secret installations for experimenting with and producing chemical weapons and biological weapons of mass destruction centered around secret Army Unit 731 and its subsidiaries. [A Russian military publication on Kwantung Army: [] ] At these locations, the Kwantung Army was also responsible for some of the most infamous Japanese war crimes, including the operation of several human experimentation programs using live Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, American and Russian [Unit 731 [] ] civilians and POW, [Unit 731. Japanese Experimentation Camp (1937-1945) [] ] directed by Shiro Ishii.


Some members of the World War II leadership of the Kwantung Army were sentenced as war criminals by the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials, where other were taken into custody by the United States, and sentenced at the 1948 International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. Among those sentenced to death were former generals Seishiro Itagaki, Iwane Matsui, Kenji Doihara, Hideki Tojo and Akira Muto.

List of Commanders

Kwantung Army

Commanding officer

=Chief of Staff=

Command Structure (1945)

* Japanese First Area Army
**IJA 3rd Army
***79th Infantry Division
***112th Infantry Division
***127th Infantry Division
***128th Infantry Division
*** 132nd Independent Combined Brigade
*** Rajin Fortress Brigade
**IJA 5th Army
*** 124th Infantry Division
*** 126th Infantry Division
*** 135th Infantry Division
*** 15th Border Patrol Brigade
** 122nd Infantry Division
** 134th Infantry Division
** 139th Infantry Division
* Japanese Third Area Army
**IJA 30th Army
*** 39th Infantry Division
*** 125th Infantry Division
*** 138th Infantry Division
*** 148th Infantry Division
**IJA 44th Army
*** 63rd Infantry Division
*** 107th Infantry Division
*** 117th Infantry Division
*** 9th Independent Armored Brigade
** 108th Infantry Division
** 136th Infantry Division
** 179th Independent Combined Brigade
** 130th Independent Combined Brigade
** 134th Independent Combined Brigade
** 1st Independent Armored Brigade
** 22nd Indepenent Anti-Aircraft Brigade
** 139th Infantry Division
* Japanese Seventeenth Area Army
** Japanese 58th Army
*** 96th Infantry Division
*** 111th Infantry Division
*** 121th Infantry Division
*** IJA 108th Independent Mixed Brigade
** 120th Infantry Division
** 150th Infantry Division
** 160th Infantry Division
** 320th Infantry Division
** IJA 127th Independent Mixed Brigade
** Pusan Fortress
** Yosu Fortress
** Japanese 4th Army
*** 119th Infantry Division
*** 123rd Infantry Division
*** 149th Infantry Division
*** IJA 80th Independent Mixed Brigade
*** IJA 131st Independent Mixed Brigade
*** IJA 135th Independent Mixed Brigade
*** IJA 136th Independent Mixed Brigade
** Japanese 34th Army
*** 599th Infantry Division
*** 137th Infantry Division
*** IJA 133rd Independent Mixed Brigade

ee also

*Military history of Japan
*Armies of the Imperial Japanese Army
*Organization of the Kwantung Army




*cite book
last = Coox
first = Alvin
year = 1990
title = Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939
publisher = Stanford University Press
location =
id = 0804718350

*cite book
last = Coox
first = Alvin
year = 1977
title = The Anatomy of a Small War: The Soviet-Japanese Struggle for Changkufeng/Khasan, 1938
publisher = Greenwood Press
location =
id = ISBN 0-8371-9479-2

*cite book
last = Dorn
first = Frank
year = 1974
title = The Sino-Japanese War, 1937-41: From Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor
publisher = MacMillan.
id = ISBN 0025322001

*cite book
last = Glantz
first = David
year = 2003
title = The Soviet Strategic Offensive in Manchuria, 1945 (Cass Series on Soviet (Russian) Military Experience, 7)
publisher = Routledge
id = ISBN 0-7146-5279-2

*cite book
last = Harries
first = Meirion
year = 1994
title = Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army
publisher = Random House; Reprint edition
location =
id = 0-679-75303-6

*cite book
last = Yamamuro
first = Shinichi
year = 2005
title = Manchuria Under Japanese Domination
publisher = University of Pennsylvania Press
id = ISBN 0812239121

*cite book
last = Young
first = Louise
year = 1999
title = Japan's Total Empire: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism
publisher = University of California Press
location =
id = ISBN 0520219341

*cite book
last = Jowett
first = Bernard
coauthors =
year = 1999
title = The Japanese Army 1931-45 (Volume 2, 1942-45)
publisher = Osprey Publishing
location =
id = ISBN 1841763543

*cite book
last = Madej
first = Victor
coauthors =
year = 1981
title = Japanese Armed Forces Order of Battle, 1937-1945
publisher = Game Publishing Company
location =
id = ASIN: B000L4CYWW

*cite book
last = Marston
first = Daniel
coauthors =
year = 2005
title = The Pacific War Companion: From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima
publisher = Osprey Publishing
location =
id = ISBN 1841768820

External links

*cite web
last = Wendel
first = Marcus
url =
title = Axis History Factbook
work = Kwantung Army

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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