Anonyme Island

Anonyme Island

Anonyme Island is a small granitic island (.096 km²) in the Seychelles, 700 meters off the east coast of Mahé. Anonyme is named after a ship of the same name.It has abundant plant life including ironwood (bois noir) and banyan trees. Also several Aldabra giant tortoises make Anonyme their home.

When the international airport on Mahe was being built, explosives needed for construction were stored on Anonyme. Today the island is a privately owned resort with luxury chalets.

AnonymeIsland Group : Inner Islands Group Area : 0.096


Anonyme Island is only a stones throw from the international airport on the main island of Mahé.

Amid numerous ghost stories and tales of fabulous buried treasure, Anonyme plays a colourful role in the folklore of the islands that belies its small size.

Once owned by the St Jorre family who were among Seychelles' earliest settlers, Anonyme was destined to play an important role in the construction of the airport, becoming the chosen location for the storage of the explosives needed to accomplish the task.

Plant life on Anonyme is plentiful upon its area of 9.6 hectares, and the island plays host to rare species of trees such as bois noir (iron wood) as well as a magnificent banyan tree reputed to be more than 100 years old.

Anonyme boasts more than its fair share of bird life, and fruit bats are also to be found along with a number of giant land tortoises. The waters surrounding this tiny island are ideal for snorkelling and the isle commands spectacular views of sunsets and the other neighbouring inner islands.

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