

Lillooet may refer to:
*Lillooet, a town in the Fraser Canyon in British Columbia.
*St'at'imc Nation, aka the Lillooet Nation
*The "'St'at'imcets language, or Lillooet Language
*The Lillooet Tribal Council, which is the usual English name for the governing body of the St'at'imc Nation and its component First Nations

Lillooet is found on many geographic features:.
*The Lillooet River, a tributary of the Fraser River; and also Lillooet Lake, which is on the Lillooet River
*The Lillooet Ranges, a subdivision of the Coast Mountains
*The Lillooet Icecap is one of the temperate-zone icecaps of the Coast Mountains, about 200k north of Vancouver
*The Lillooet Glacier, a tongue of the Lillooet Icecap which is the source of the Lillooet River.
*Lillooet Mountain is one of the peaks of the Lillooet Icecap

It is also common in administrative names:

*Squamish-Lillooet Regional District is a British Columbia regional district
* the Lillooet Land District is a legal land-survey region of British Columbia dating to the founding of the colony in 1858 used in all property and legal documents
*Yale-Lillooet is a provincial electoral district or "riding" in British Columbia which superseded:
**Lillooet was a historical provincial electoral district 1871- 1890 and 1903-1966. It was among the province's original twelve ridings
**Lillooet West was a historical provincial electoral district in the 1894, 1898 and 1890 British Columbia elections
**Lillooet East was a historical provincial electoral district in the 1894, 1898 and 1890 British Columbia elections
**and parts of the original Yale riding.
**NB the original federal district including the town and area of Lillooet was Cariboo (electoral district).

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