- Strong pass
In the card game of bridge, a strong pass is an opening pass that indicates a strong hand, typically with a minimum of 11-16 points. Strong pass
bidding system s are of a quite different nature from the more typical "natural" systems, but share some similarities withstrong club system s. Strong pass systems are sometimes called "forcing pass" systems; the term "strong pass" is preferred here to avoid confusion with a different meaning of the term "forcing pass " in bridge.Features
Since "pass" is used to indicate strong hands, weaker hands—even those with no points—must make an opening bid. Typically, one bid, called a "fert bid" (short for
fertilizer ), is used for extremely weak hands (less than 8 or 9 points), and all other bids show limited-strength hands of various distributions. The fert bid is usually between 1Clubs and 1Spades; higher bids are more preemptive, but correspondingly more dangerous. Because of the necessity of using a fert bid, the limited openings usually have a significantly lower range than in strong-club systems, and very weakpreempt ive bids on the 2 and 3 levels are allowed.The basic motivation of strong pass systems is to reserve as much bidding room as possible for strong hands, and to be as preemptive as is safely possible with weak hands. Strong pass systems are often coupled with relay systems for precisely describing strong hands, and limited bids are heavily oriented towards finding low-level major-suit contracts, with "major-suit" bids (i.e. bids that promise a certain major-suit holding, which are not necessarily natural heart or spade bids — most strong-pass systems are highly artificial) typically promising only four cards in a particular major.
Note that a strong-pass partnership will "always" open the bidding when playing first position, or when second position after an opposing natural pass. Thus, partnerships playing against a strong pass system will be on defense much more often than normal, and must have highly developed defensive methods for handling situations where the partnership possesses game strength or more. As a result, strong-pass systems are typically prohibited at all but the highest levels of tournament play.
A sample strong-pass system, TresBoof system. The outline of the opening bids of this system is as follows, with relative frequencies attached:
*Pass (21%): 14+, any shape.
*1Clubs (17%): 8-13, 4+ hearts, possibly longer minor, possibly 4-4 majors.
*1Diams (16%): 8-13, 4+ spades, possibly longer minor.
*1Hearts(11%): 0-8, any shape. Usually no 5-card suit except possibly clubs (since an off-shapeweak two is safer, more descriptive, and more preemptive)
*1Spades (10%): 9-13, balanced, no four-card major unless 4333.
*1NT (3%): 9-13, 5+ diamonds, no four-card major. (Implies 6+ diamonds and/or 4 clubs).
*2Clubs (2%): 9-13, 5+ clubs, no four-card major. (Implies 6+ clubs and/or 4 diamonds).
*2Diams (?): 4-8 weak 2 in major or 20-21 balanced, MULTI
*2Hearts (?): 4-8 hearts + minor
*2Spades (?): 4-8 spades + another suit
*2NT (0.3%): 8-12, 5-5 or more in minors.
*3NT (0.2%): 8-13, solid 7-card or 8-card minor.Note that 1Clubs and 1Diams are "transfer openings"; if responder has a strong hand, he accepts the transfer by bidding 1Hearts or 1Spades (respectively), initiating a relay sequence.
According to the
World Bridge Federation System Policy, [ [http://www.worldbridge.org/departments/systems/policy.asp WBF System policy] ] a system is classified as a "Highly unusual method " (HUM) if "a Pass in the opening position shows at least the values generally accepted for an opening bid of one, even if there are alternative weak possibilities" or "by partnership agreement an opening bid at the one level may be weaker than pass." Thus, strong pass systems are classified as HUM and allowed only on competitions ofBermuda Bowl /Venice Cup level, with additional provisions that the pair playing HUM method must submit theirconvention card s in advance, and their team loses the right to chose the opponents (i.e. they must seat first and let the opposing team to select the lineup). HUM systems are banned altogether on lower-level competitions, especially on pairs events (as a round of 2-3 boards is too short to require all other players to prepare the defense against strong pass in advance). Sponsoring organizations on lower levels are permitted to impose lesser restrictions, but that is seldom the case; thus, the strong pass is mostly limited to world team competitions, special invitation tournaments and friendly games.References
ee also
Brown sticker External links
* [http://www.bridgeguys.com/pdf/TresBoofBiddingSystem.pdf TresBoof system] (see above).
* [http://www.users.on.net/~mabraham/systems/SPREAD/index.html SPREAD system] ; uses a 1Hearts fert bid and 1Spades as "semi-fert" bid (around 7-9 points), along with 4-card major transfer openings, as in TresBoof.
* [http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~dirksen/bridge/magicpass.html Magic Pass] uses a two-way opening pass (17+ points, or 9-11 balanced) and 1Diams fert bid, a strong but limited 1Clubs bid (13-16 unbalanced or 15-17 balanced), and natural 4-card major openings.
* [http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~dirksen/bridge/tuebpass.html Tuebingen Pass] uses a two-way opening pass/fert (16+ or 0-7 points).
* [http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~dirksen/bridge/precpass.html Precision Pass] is based onPrecision Club , maintaining the strong 1Clubs opening; the initial pass shows 8-17 points unsuitable for other bids, and the only fert bid is 1Diams.
* [http://www.geocities.com/drtodd13/dejeuner.doc Dejeuner] A derivative of TresBoof that uses symmetric rather than MOSCITO relays.
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