

Organetto refers to two distinct instruments. The medieval organetto was a portable pipe instrument, while the modern organetto is a popular Italian folk instrument allied to the accordion.

The medieval Organetto [1] was a portable pipe instrument, allied to the later classical pipe organ, and pumped with the hand. It is referenced in the Roman de la Rose: "There are easily manageable organs which are portable and are pumped and played by the same person, who also sings either the soprano or tenor part." It was among the most popular instruments in Europe from the 13th to the 16th century. The organetto was relatively lightweight and could be carried with a sling to use in religious processions or other occasions. Bellows provide the wind supply, and a button-type keyboard could be used across approximately two octaves. The organetto could only play one note at a time, and was used for a single part in a polyphonic piece, motet or chanson, and for monophonic dance music.[2][3]

The modern organetto is a popular folk instrument used in Italian folk music. In other countries it is called by other names, though many times is not the same instrument. It is a free reed instrument, allied to the accordion.[4][5][6]


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