Bib Fortuna

Bib Fortuna

SW Character

name=Bib Fortuna
position=Advisor and right hand of Jabba the Hutt
eyes= Red and Orange
weapon=Poisoned dagger
vehicle=Jabba's Sail barge, Desert Skiff
affiliation=Jabba's Court
portrayer=Matthew Wood (Episode I), Michael Carter (Episode VI)

Bib Fortuna is a fictional character in the "Star Wars" universe. He was portrayed by Michael Carter in ', and by Matthew Wood in '.


"Return of the Jedi"

Fortuna first appears in "Return of the Jedi" as Jabba the Hutt's chief lieutenant at the gangster's palace in Tatooine. He welcomes C-3PO, R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, and a disguised Princess Leia to audiences with Jabba, unaware that they are there to rescue Han Solo. He is present on Jabba's Sand Barge the next day to witness the protagonists cast into a Sarlaac pit. He escapes amid the chaos begun when the prisoners kill Jabba and escape.

"The Phantom Menace"

Fortuna appears at Jabba's side during the podracing scene, and announces his boss' presence at the games (Jabba himself is asleep).

Expanded Universe

Fortuna appears often in the "Star Wars" "Expanded Universe" of comic books, novels, and video games. The anthology "Tales from Jabba's Palace" explains that Fortuna hails from the planet of Ryloth, where one side is perpetually light and the other dark. Like all Twi'leks, Fortuna has twin appendages, or lekku, coming from the back of his pointed head. Such "head-tails," or "worms," as they are called by others, are used for thinking and communication as well as sensual pleasure. Fortuna is sentenced to death on his planet for helping to start the export of the addictive drug ryll. The ryll trade had led to smuggling, slavery, and a breakdown of order on Ryloth. Fortuna escapes and soon finds work on Tatooine, in charge of Jabba the Hutt's glitterstim spice smuggling operations.

Through successively more prominent positions, Fortuna becomes Jabba's chief aide. He uses that position to plot against his boss; he, like others in the palace, planned to kill the Hutt and take over his business.

After Jabba's death, a confident Fortuna is met by the B'omarr monks who lived in the catacombs below. Some lived as humans, others as detached brains living eternally in jars of nutrient. The monks decided that the nutrient jar is the best fate for Fortuna - or rather, for his brain. They didn't know Fortuna would eventually figure out a way to reinstall his consciousness into another Twi'lek criminal, Firith Olan, in order to make it easier to carry on his criminal activities.

Bib Fortuna is a playable character in ' and '.


*"Tales From Jabba's Palace", 1st edition, 1995. Kevin J. Anderson (editor), ISBN 0-553-56815-9
**"Of the day's annoyances: Bib Fortuna's tale", M. Shayne Bell

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