- Skerry's College Cork
Skerry's College (also known as Skerrys Academy, Skerrys Cork Business College or Skerrys Business College) is a college in Cork.
History of Skerry's College
Skerry's College was founded in Cork in 1884 by Mr.
George Skerry who was then a prominent mathematician and publisher of Commercial Arithmetic Texts. Mr. Skerry had other colleges in St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, in Belfast and in Britain. The Cork college is the sole surviving "Skerry's College". At the turn of the century, the College came under the ownership of a Mr. Collins of Sunday's Well, Cork who was in charge until 1913, when it was taken over by one of Mr. Collin's teachers, a Mr. Danny O' Sullivan.Mr. O' Sullivan later described his former "Master" as "an outstanding teacher of English and one of nature's gentlemen". Mr. O' Sullivan himself was described as a wonderful teacher, a great mathematician and a strict disciplinarian. At that time, Skerry's offered a special class for students studying for university matriculation and also specialised in bank courses for which a nomination was required. At that time, the banks only recruited male staff.In 1943, Mr. McCarthy purchased the premises and goodwill of Skerry's. At that time he also had a shorthand and typewriting academy in Patrick Street. In 1944, that academy amalgamated with Skerry's. Mr. McCarthy was very committed to the College and did his utmost to secure employment for students. In 1947, the banks first started recruiting female clerks, for whom nominations were also required. The subjects for the
Munster & Leinster Bank course at the time were: English, French, Arithmetic, Totting, Typewriting and Shorthand. Skerry's always secured numerous appointments with Munster and Leinster (AIB),Bank of Ireland andCork Savings Bank (TSB ). About this time also, the various County Councils began to hold competitive examinations for clerical shorthand/typists, and Skerry's students always secured the majority of the vacancies. These successes were printed in list form in the national daily newspapers. On Mr. McCarthy's death in 1962, his wife Gladys became Governing Director. Mrs. McCarthy maintained the tradition of Skerry's viz. that of fulfilling the particular training requirements of modern day business. She introduced Audio Typing as a subject and invested in electric and golf-ball typewriters.In 1977, Mrs. McCarthy retired and Messrs. Jeremiah J. Carey and Thomas Carey purchased the goodwill of the College and Mrs Patricia Carey became Principal. The premises in South Mall was not for sale, so the directors purchased the building on St. Patrick's Hill which now houses the College.
An Taoiseach , Mr.Jack Lynch , performed the official opening of the new premises.Any history of the College is incomplete without reference to Miss Iris Barry, who name was synonymous with Skerry's. She joined the teaching staff of the college in 1935, and when she later became Principal, she displayed tremendous inspiration, dedication and foresight, and was the driving force behind the College's success until her retirement in 1989, having completed a record service of 63 years.
Audrey McCarthy was the College Director until June 2002 when the
HSI Group based in Limerick purchased the business under the direction of Chairman Mr. Michael McNamara and College Director Mrs. Maria Horan.In 1994 Skerry's College Cork, designated as being an institution to which the Irish Governments National Council for Educational Awards (
NCEA ) Act, 1979 [ [http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/1994/en/si/0049.html#zzsi49y1994 S.I. No. 49/1994 — National Council For Educational Awards Act, 1979 (Designation of Institution) (No. 2) Order, 1994.] ] . Skerry's began running Certificate, Higher Certificate and Degree courses validated by the NCEA, and subsequently its successor from 2001 onward the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC ).Skerry's Cork Business College, was designated as a Computer Based Examination Provider for the
ACCA Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) course [ [http://www.accaglobal.com/students/study_exams/tuition/providers/cbe/ Computer Based Examinations providers ACCA Global] ] .Skerrys continued to run the office skills and secretarial courses for which it was famous but also a variety of other courses such as Computing courses,
European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), payroll (SAGE ),BTEC andLimperts Academy Interior Design Courses and PitmanJEB ICT Teaching course.Certain full time undergraduate HETAC level 6 & 7 courses were also validated to receive tax relief under the Irish Governments 1997 Act [ [http://www.revenue.ie/publications/lists/ListA06R.pdf Courses Eligible For Tax Relief Academic Year 2005-2006 www.revenue.ie] ] the courses included a Certificate in Intercultural Studies, Higher Certificate in Business, Higher Certificate in Business Computer Applications, BA in Marketing.
Other Skerry's Colleges
There were other Skerrys Colleges in Ireland, in "Skerry's Academy Dublin" (Skerry's Civil Service & Commercial College, 76 St. Stephens Green and Skerry's School of Shorthand & Com. Training, 10 Hardcourt St. [Skerry's academy - George E. Skerry & Co, civil service, commerical and university tutors, 76 St. Stephen's Green East and 10 Hardcourt Street, (Thom's Directory 1904 p. 1513) ] ) which trained Civil Servants and Clerks, and in Belfast(143 Royal Avenue). [ [http://www.lennonwylie.co.uk/1913PhoneList13.htm 1913 Telephone Directory Belfast - Dublin - Cork] ] In the 1913 Telephone Directory, Skerry's School of Shorthand & Commercial Training at 10 Harcourt Street, Dublin, as well as Skerry's Civil Service & Commercial College, in 76 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin and Skerry's College (Ireland) Ltd., is listed in 143 Royal Avenue, Belfast.
Skerrys is mentioned by
James Joyce in "Ulysses" (Episode 18) .."instead of sending her to Skerrys academy where shed have to learn..". [ [http://www.readprint.com/chapter-6379/James-Joyce Episode 18 - Penelope, Ulysses by James Joyce (Read Print)] ] Milly would have attended the Hardcourt Street branch, "shorthand, typewriting, and commerical college" [Penelope: 18.968-1045, p.625 - Ulysses Annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses By Don Gifford, Robert J. Seidman (University of California Press, 1989)]kerrys Colleges in Britain
Skerrys also set up a number of colleges in Britain such as Skerry's College, Dundee, Edinburgh & Glasgow(Bath St.) were renowned for teaching Shorthand and Typing. Skerry's College was recognised training institution in Scotland for Civil Service entrance examinations. [ [http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/bygone/oct1906/ A Government Appointment, Dundee City Council, Bygone news October 1906] ] The Suffragette and Co-operative activist
Margaret McCoubrey a Labour councillor for Dock ward in Belfast, taught in the Skerries Business Training College, Glasgow, where she became deputy head mistress at the age of twenty-four. [ [http://www.ulsterbiography.co.uk/biogsMac1.htm McCoubrey, Margaret 1880-1955 Dictionary of Ulster Biography] ]There was a Skerry's College in Eldon place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as well as a "Commercial College" in Rodney St. Liverpool as well as one in Croydon, London. The teacher and writer Thomas Evans Jacob (1853-1908) taught in Skerry's College London and produced a number of civil service exam texts.
In 1878 Skerry's College, Edinburgh was founded mainly preparing candidates for Civil Service Examinations [Holmberg, 1986:8; Verduin, 1991:16] , they also ran preliminary classes for University Exams [ [http://edu.archive.scotsman.com/article.cfm?id=TSC/1906/08/01/Ar00104 The Scotsman Archive, University Exams Tutorial Advert 1st August, 1906] ] and also involved in Distance Learning as a correspondence college [ [http://www.rbartels.com/EDIT%205370/history.html Distance Education - History, Roy Bartels] ] .
Skerrys for a while had a College in Cardiff, Newport Rd [ [http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/wal/GLA/Cardiff/Cardiffyes3.html Cardiff Yesterday Places - Skerry's College, Newport Road, 1910, VII-105] ] Skerrys College Cardiff changed its name to King's College in the 1920s, merged with Mockton House in 1994. [ [http://www.kingsmonkton.org.uk/school_history.asp Kings Monkton School - History] ]
Skerry’s College Alumni has several prominent members including former Taoiseach,
Jack Lynch the formerTánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs,Peter Barry and former South Kerry TDBreeda Moynihan-Cronin .In 1919
Tom Barry famous for his role in the war of Independence and book on the Flying Columns, enrolled in Skerrys business college [ [http://www.searcs-web.com/barry3.html Tom Barry (1898-1980), Searc's Web Guide to to 20th Century Ireland] ] .Joseph Jackson Cleary British Labour MP and Lord Mayor of Liverpool, was educated at Skerrys College in Liverpool.Actor and Musician Ozzie Yue attended Skerrys College in Rodney St, Liverpool [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20070111/ai_n17111701 'I'd flick bits of paper at Paul McCartney' article by Jonathan Sale 2007 Independent Newspapers UK] ] .Actor
Barry Fitzgerald went to Skerrys College Dublin before going on to work in the civil service [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5212/is_2000/ai_n19128522 Fitzgerald, Barry - International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers, (2000) by Anthony Slide] ] .Icelandic Politician and a footballer with Rangers, Arsenal, AC Milan etc.
Albert Gudmundsson studied at Skerry's College, Glasgow, from 1944-1946 [ [http://www.althingi.is/cv.php4?nfaerslunr=15 Biography/Profile of Albert Gudmundsson] ] .The British Novelist
Jack Common attended Skerrys College, Newcastle.Griffith College Cork
In February 2005
Griffith College acquired the business and goodwill, formingGriffith College Cork [http://www.gcc.ie] (incorporating Skerrys College). Griffith College Cork incorporating Skerry's College, runs professional, undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Business, Law and Media & Journalism as well as a variety of Short term evening courses in office skills, payroll, psychology and design.Notes & References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.