- Čelebići prison camp
Čelebići prison camp was a
Konjic defence forces runprison camp [Paragraphs 141-157, Judgement ICTY vs Delic et. al,16 November 1998 [http://www.un.org/icty/celebici/trialc2/judgement/] ] in the municipality ofKonjic during theBosnian War .Čelebići is a
village in the Konjic municipality of central Bosnia. Konjic was of strategic interest because it was the site of an arms and munitions factory, as well as being an important communications link between Mostar and Sarajevo. Before the war the municipality had a population of around 45,000 inhabitants of which 55% wereBosniaks , 26%Croats and 15%Serbs .Background
During conflict in
Yugoslavia , Konjic municipality was of strategic importance as it contained important communication links from Sarajevo to southern Bosnia and Herzegovina. During thesiege of Sarajevo the route through Konjic was of vital imortance to the Bosnian government forces. Furthermore, several important military facilities were contained in Konjic, including the Igman arms and ammunition factory, theJNA Ljuta barracks, the Reserve Command Site of the JNA, the Zlatar communications and telecommunications centre, and the Celebici barracks and warehouses.Although the Konjic municipality did not have a majority
Serb population and did not form part of the declared "Serb autonomous regions", in March 1992, the self-styled "Serb Konjic Municipality" adopted a decision on the Serbian territories. The SDS, in co-operation with the JNA, had also been active in arming the Serb population of the municipality and in training paramilitary units and militias. According to Dr. Andrew James Gow, an expert witness for the Prosecution, the SDS distributed around 400 weapons to Serbs in the area.Konjic was also included in those areas claimed by the
HDZ in Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the "Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna", despite the fact that the Croats did not constitute a majority of the population there either. Thus, there were HVO units established and armed in the municipality by April 1992.Following the international recognition of the independent Bosnian state and the walk-out of SDS representatives from the Municipal Assembly a War Assembly was formed to take charge of the defence of the municipality. Between 20 April and early May 1992 Bosnian government forces seized control over most of the strategic assets of the Municipality and some armaments. However, Serb forces controlled the main access points to the municipality, effectively cutting it off from outside supply. Bosniak refugees began to arrive from outlying areas of the municipality expelled by Serbs, while Serb inhabitants of the town left for Serb-controlled villages according to the decision made by Serb leadership. [Judgement ICTY vs Delic et. al,
16 November 1998 [http://www.un.org/icty/celebici/trialc2/judgement/] ]On 4 May 1992, the first shells landed in Konjic town, fired by the
JNA and other Serb forces from the slopes of Borasnica and Kisera. This shelling, which continued daily for over three years, until the signing of theDayton Peace Agreement , inflicted substantial damage and resulted in the loss of many lives as well as rendering conditions for the surviving population even more unbearable. With the town swollen from the influx of refugees, there was a great shortage of accommodation as well as food and other basic necessities. Charitable organisations attempted to supply the local people with enoughfood but all systems of production foundered or were destroyed. It was not until August or September of that year thatconvoy s from theUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) managed to reach the town, and all communications links were cut off with the rest of the State. A clear priority for the Konjic authorities was the de-blocking of the routes to Sarajevo andMostar . This objective required that the Serbian forces holdingBradina andDonje Selo , as well as those at Borci and other strategic points, be disarmed. This objective required that the Serbian forces holding Bradina and Donje Selo, as well as those at Borci and other strategic points, be disarmed. Initially, an attempt was made at negotiation with theSDS and other representatives of the Serb people in Bradina and Donje Selo. This did not, however, achieve success for the Konjic authorities and plans were made for the launching of military operations by the Joint Command. [Judgement ICTY vs Delic et. al,16 November 1998 [http://www.un.org/icty/celebici/trialc2/judgement/] ]The first area to be targeted was the village of Donje Selo. On
20 May 1992 forces of the TO and HVO entered the village. Bosnian government soldiers moved through Viniste towards the villages ofCerići andBjelovcina . Cerići, which was the first shelled, was attacked around 22 May and some of its inhabitants surrendered. The village of Bjelovcina was also attacked around that time. According to witnesses heard by the ICTY, the Serb-populated village of Bradina was shelled in the late afternoon and evening of 25 May and then soldiers in both camouflage and black uniforms appeared, firing their weapons and setting fire to buildings. Many of the population sought to flee and some withdrew to the centre of the village. These people were, nonetheless, arrested at various times around 27 and 28 May, by TO, HVO and MUP soldiers and police. [Paragraphs 138-139, Judgement ICTY vs Delic et. al,16 November 1998 [http://www.un.org/icty/celebici/trialc2/judgement/] ]The Čelebići prison camp
These military operations resulted in the arrest of many members of the Serb population and it was thus necessary to create a facility where they could be imprisoned and questioned about their role in war crimes during the siege of Konjic. The former JNA Celebici compound was chosen out of necessity as the appropriate facilities for the detention of prisoners in Konjic. The majority of the prisoners who were detained between April and December 1992 were men, captured during and after the military operations at Bradina and Donje Selo and their surrounding areas. At the end of May, several groups were transferred to the Čelebići prison-camp from various locations.
In its judgement in the "Mucić et al case", the ICTY found that Serbian prisoners had been beaten, tortured and some murdered by the camp guards. The prison camp was closed in December 1992 and remaining prisoners released. [Paragraphs 141-157, Judgement ICTY vs Delic et. al,
16 November 1998 [http://www.un.org/icty/celebici/trialc2/judgement/] ]See also
Hazim Delić References
External links
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/215265.stm Three Guilty in Bosnia trial, BBC, November 16, 1998]
* [http://www.riototal.com.br/coojornal/reginaldosouza.htm] "A Bridge to Čelebići"Fiction (Short story ) (In Portuguese).
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