- Tehillim
Tehillim (תהלים) is:
*The Hebrew name of the
Book of Psalms
*A piece of music bySteve Reich ; seeTehillim (Reich)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tehillim (תהלים) is:
*The Hebrew name of the
*A piece of music by
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tehillim — Livre des Psaumes Premiers versets en hébreu du psaume 1. Le livre des Psaumes (ספר תהילים Sefer Tehillim en hébreu, Livre des Louanges) est un livre de la Bible hébraïque (l Ancien Testament des chrétiens), le premier de la section des Ketouvim … Wikipédia en Français
Tehillim (Reich) — Tehillim is a piece of music by American composer Steve Reich, written in 1981.The title comes from the Hebrew word for psalms , and the work is the first to reflect Reich s Jewish heritage. It is in four parts, marked fast, fast, slow and fast.… … Wikipedia
Tehillim (Reich) — Tehillim Texte religieux hébraïque Genre musique contemporaine Musique … Wikipédia en Français
Tehillim for Anne — is a three movement musical composition by British composer Robert Steadman (born 1965).Scored for choir and strings the work uses the texts of three Psalms in Hebrew to mark what would have been the 75th birthday of Anne Frank. The piece was… … Wikipedia
Tehillim — Steintafel mit Psalm Psalm (gr. ψαλμός psalmós „Saitenspiel“) ist die Bezeichnung eines der 150 geistlichen Lieder in der Bibel, die größtenteils im Buch der Psalmen vereinigt sind, sich aber auch an weiteren, meist strukturell besonderen Stellen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tehillim — Seph. /teuh hee leem /; Ashk. /teuh hee lim/, n. Hebrew. the Book of Psalms. * * * … Universalium
Tehillim — Seph. /teuh hee leem /; Ashk. /teuh hee lim/, n. Hebrew. the Book of Psalms … Useful english dictionary
Midrash Tehillim — Title page of Midrash Tehillim (Prague, 1613), from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia. Midrash Tehillim (Hebrew: מדרש תהלים) or Midrash to Psalms is a haggadic midrash known since the 11th century, when it was quoted by Nathan of Rome in his Aruk (s.v … Wikipedia
MIDRASH TEHILLIM — (Heb. מִדְרַשׁ תְּהִלּים; Midrash Psalms), an aggadic Midrash on the Psalms, called also Aggadat Tehillim, and Shoḥer Tov because of its opening verse, Proverbs 11:27. The Midrash embraces most of the Psalms. Despite the fact that most… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Steve Reich — Stephen Michael Reich Nacimiento 3 de octu … Wikipedia Español