TIPS — (auch: TIPSS) ist die Abkürzung für einen transjugulären intrahepatischen portosystemischen (Stent )Shunt und bezeichnet eine minimal invasiv geschaffene Verbindung zwischen der Pfortader und der Lebervene durch die Leber hindurch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TIPS — stands for transjugular, intrahepatic, portosystemic shunt. It is a shunt (tube) placed between the portal vein which carries blood from the intestines to the liver and the hepatic vein which carries blood from the liver back to the heart. It is… … Medical dictionary
TIPS — [Abk. für Tera Instructions per Second, dt. »eine Billion Befehle pro Sekunde«], Abk. für eine Billion Befehle pro Sekunde. Einen Prozessor oder Rechner, der mindestens eine solche Befehlsverarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit erreicht, bezeichnet man… … Universal-Lexikon
tips — sb. (tipning), i sms. tips , fx tipsmillionær; vinde i tips … Dansk ordbog
TIPS — Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) Securities issued by the U.S. Treasury that provide inflation protection to investors. These securities have a fixed coupon rate and maturity date. However the interest payment is based on a… … Financial and business terms
tips — • ledtråd, ledning, hjälp, vink, tips, anvisning … Svensk synonymlexikon
tips — /tɪps/ (say tips) plural noun (construed as singular) → tip4 (def. 2) …
tips — s ( et, tips) gissningvadhållning med gissning vink, anvisning pl. om utgång av tävling; sådan(a) ar; … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
Tips & Tricks — is a now defunct American video game magazine published by Larry Flynt Publications (LFP). For most of its existence, the publication was devoted almost exclusively to strategies and codes for popular video games. However, in late 2006 veteran… … Wikipedia
TIPS China Building — (TIPS) Localisation Pays Chine Localité Shanghai Adresse Pudong … Wikipédia en Français