Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Politics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are divided into 192 territories (fr. "territoires", sing. "territoire"). The territories are listed below, in alphabetic order:

* Aketi
* Ango
* Aru
* Bafwasende
* Bagata
* Bagira
* Bambesa
* Banalia
* Bandalungwa
* Bandoyi
* Barumbu
* Basankusu
* Basoko
* Befale
* Beni, North Kivu
* Bikoro
* Bipemba
* Boende
* Bokungu
* Bolobo
* Bolomba
* Bomongo
* Bongandanga
* Bongo
* Boso-Bolo
* Budjala
* Bukama
* Bukavu
* Bulungu
* Bumba
* Bumbu
* Businga
* Buta
* Dekese
* Demba
* Dibaya
* Dibindi
* Dilolo
* Dimbelenge
* Disasi
* Diulu
* Djolu
* Djugu
* Dungu
* Feshi
* Fizi
* Gbadolite
* Gemena
* Goma
* Gombe

* Gungu
* Ibanda
* Idiofa
* Idjwi
* Ikela
* Ilebo
* Ingende
* Inongo
* Irumu
* Isangi-Yanonge
* Kabalo
* Kabambare
* Kabare
* Kabeya-Kamwanga
* Kabinda
* Kabondo
* Kabongo
* Kadutu
* Kahemba
* Kalamu
* Kalehe
* Kalemie
* Kamboye
* Kamiji
* Kamina
* Kananga
* Kaniama
* Kanshi
* Kasa-Vubu
* Kasangulu
* Kasenga
* Kasongo
* Kasongo-Lunda
* Katako-Kombe
* Katanda
* Katoka
* Kazamba
* Kazumba
* Kenge
* Kimbaseke
* Kimvula
* Kindu
* Kindu.Kailo
* Kinshasa
* Kipushi
* Kiri
* Kisangani
* Kisenso
* Kitambo
* Kole

* Kongolo
* Kungu
* Kutu
* Kwamouth
* Lemba
* Libao
* Libenge
* Likasi
* Limete
* Lingwala
* Lisala
* Lodja
* Lomela
* Lubefu
* Lubero, North Kivu
* Lubudi
* Lubumbashi
* Luebo
* Luiza
* Lukemi
* Lukolela
* Lukonga
* Lukula
* Luozi
* Lupatapata
* Lusambo
* Madimba
* Mahagi
* Makala
* Malemba-Nkulu
* Maluku
* Mambasa
* Mankanza
* Manono
* Masi-Manimba
* Masina
* Masisi, North Kivu
* Matadi
* Matete
* Mayoyo
* Mbadaka
* Mbanza-Ngungu
* Miabi
* Mitwaba
* Moanda
* Moba
* Mobayi-Mbongo
* Monkoto
* Mont-Ngafula
* Musadi

* Mushie
* Mutshatsha
* Muya
* Mvuzi
* Mweka
* Mwene-Ditu
* Mwenga
* Ndesha
* Ndjili
* Ngaba
* Ngaliema
* Ngandajika
* Nganza
* Ngiri-Ngiri
* Niangara
* Nsele
* Nyiragongo
* Nyunzu
* Nzadi
* Nzanza
* Nzinda
* Opala
* Oshwe
* Pangi
* Poko
* Popokabaka
* Punia
* Rungu
* Rutshuru, North Kivu
* Sakania
* Sandoa
* Seke-Banza
* Selembao
* Shabunda
* Songololo
* Tshela
* Tshikapa
* Tshilenge
* Ubundu
* Uvira
* Walikale, jungle covered territory in North Kivu
* Walungu
* Wamba
* Wangata
* Watsa
* Yahuma
* Yakoma
* Yumbi
* Zongo

ee also

* Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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