

Fulldome is used to refer to immersive dome-based video projection environments. The dome, horizontal or tilted, is filled with real-time (interactive) or pre-rendered (linear) computer animations, live capture images, or composited environments.

Although the current technology emerged in the early-to-mid 1990s, fulldome environments have evolved from numerous influences, including immersive art and storytelling, with technological roots in domed architecture, planetariums, multi-projector film environments, flight simulation, and virtual reality.

Initial approaches to moving fulldome imagery used wide-angle lenses, both 35 and 70 mm filmstock, but the expense and ungainly nature of the film medium prevented much progress; furthermore, film formats such as Omnimax did not cover the full two pi steradians of the dome surface, leaving a section of the dome blank (though, due to seating arrangements, that part of the dome was not seen by most viewers). Later approaches to fulldome utilized monochromatic vector graphics systems projected through a fisheye lens. Contemporary configurations employ raster video projectors, either singly or grouped together to cover the dome surface with full-color images and animations.

Fulldome Video Technology

Fulldome video projection can use a variety of technologies in two typical formats: single- and multiple-projector systems. The individual projector(s) can be driven by a variety of video sources, typically feeding material rendered in either real-time or “pre-rendered” modes. The end result is a video image that covers an entire domed projection surface, yielding an immersive experience that fills a viewer’s field of view.

Single- versus Multiple-Projector Systems

Single-projector fulldome video systems use a single (or mixed) video source displayed through a single fisheye lens, typically located at or near the center of a hemispherical projection surface. A single projector has the benefit of avoiding edge blends (see below) between multiple projectors. A disadvantage of central projectors is the loss of the center of the dome for optimal viewing of the reconstructed perspective view provided by true hemispheric projection, a problem shared with traditional Planetarium projectors. High quality hemispheric projection lenses are very expensive and operate at the practical limits of optical performance needed for high resolution full dome coverage.

Multiple-projector fulldome video systems rely on two or more video projectors edge-blended to create a seamless image that covers a hemispherical projection surface; splitting the entire image up into segments allows for higher-resolution imagery and projector placement that does not intrude on the viewing area underneath the dome. A disadvantage of multiple projection is the need to frequently adjust the alignment of projectors and the uneven aging of separate projectors leading to brightness differences between segments. Even minor performance differences between projectors can be obvious whan projecting a solid color across the entire scene.

Common Video Projector Technology

A wide variety of video projection technologies has been employed in domes, including Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), Digital Light Processing (DLP), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS), and most recently, two varieties of laser projectors (the laser video projector entry describes one version of the technology).

For multi-projector systems in particular, display devices must have a low black level (i.e., project little or no light when no signal is sent to them) to allow for reasonable edge-blending between the different projector footprints. Otherwise, overlapping video images will have an additive effect, causing a complex pattern of grey to appear even when no image is being projected. This becomes particularly important for users in the planetarium field, who have a vested interest in projecting a dark night sky. The desire for projectors to “go to black” has resulted in continued use of CRT technology, even as newer and less expensive technologies have emerged.

LCD projectors have fundamental limits on their ability to project true black as well as light, which has tended to limit their use in planetariums. LCOS and modified LCOS projectors have improved on LCD contrast ratios while also eliminating the “screen door” effect of small gaps between LCD pixels. “Dark chip” DLP projectors improve on the standard DLP design and can offer relatively inexpensive solution with bright images, but the black level requires physical baffling of the projectors. As the technology matures and reduces in price, laser projection looks promising for dome projection as it offers bright images, large dynamic range and a very wide color space.

Links to Fulldome Resources

Trade Associations

* [http://www.imersa.org IMERSA]

Discussion Groups

* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fulldome/ Fulldome Mailing List]
* [http://www.fulldome.org Fulldome.org]


* [http://www.domefest.com DomeFest]
* [http://fulldome.multimeios.pt European Immersive Cinema Workshop]
* [http://www.ips-planetarium.org/events/conferences.html International Planetarium Society Conference]
* [http://ips2008.org/fulldome/ Fulldome Summit and DomeFest 2008]
* [http://www.astc.org ASTC Fulldome Showcase - Special Session at Annual Conference]
* [http://www.elcetl.org/conference Conference and Workshop in Immersive Vision Plymouth UK March 2008]

Tools and Tutorials

* [http://artslab.unm.edu/tutorials/dome1a.htm Hue Walker's Fulldome Tutorial]
* [http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/projection/ Paul Bourke's Projection Pages]
* [http://extranet.spitzinc.com/reference/ Spitz Reference Collection]
* [http://www.dome3d.com/tutorials/ Dome3D Video Tutorials]
* Loch Ness Productions list of [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/fulldome/fulldome_resources.html Fulldome Web Resources]
* Ed Lantz's Fulldome 101 [http://www.blooloop.com/Article/FullDome-101--Part-I-by-Ed-Lantz/74 Part 1] and [http://www.blooloop.com/Article/The-Future-of-FullDome--Pioneering-a-New-Medium/79 Part 2]


Historic Influences

Fulldome Video History

Fulldome Applications

Generally divided into real-time interactive computer graphics, pre-rendered computer graphics, live capture, and compositied.

Examples of real-time applications

* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/d3-family.asp Digistar 3] : Visualization platform from Evans & Sutherland
* [http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ Celestia] : Open source space simulation
* [http://www.skyskan.com/Products/DigitalSky/cont.html DigitalSky 2] : Visualization platform from Sky-Skan
* [http://www.zeiss.de/C12567B00038CD75/Contents-Frame/92CA596E4816D07041256A68004FE376 Powerdome] : from Carl Zeiss
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/planetarium/scidome.html SciDome] : Planetarium system from Spitz Inc powered by Starry Night
* [http://www.stellarium.org Stellarium] : Open source planetarium software
* [http://www.scalingtheuniverse.com Uniview] : Visualization platform from Sciss based on NASA/American Museum of Natural History Digital Universe dataset
* [http://www.goto.co.jp/products/virtuarium/virtuarium2-e.html Virtuarium II] : Visualization platform from GOTO
* [http://www.wirmachenbunt.de/archives/10#more-10 v4DomeEngine] : v4 dome engine from wirmachenbunt only used for ICH² (see below)

Examples of pre-rendered playback applications

* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/d3-family.asp Digistar 3] : from Evans & Sutherland
* [http://www.zeiss.de/C12567B00038CD75/Contents-Frame/92CA596E4816D07041256A68004FE376 Powerdome] : from Carl Zeiss
* [http://www.skyskan.com/Products/index.html SkyVision] : from Sky-Skan Inc.
* [http://www.goto.co.jp/products/virtuarium/virtuarium2-e.html Virtuarium II] : from GOTO

Examples of real-time shows

* [http://www.tholos254.gr/en/ The Ancient Agora of Athens] (2007, Foundation of the Hellenic World)
* [http://www.ich-quadrat.de/eng/ ICH² - Intermedia Dance Performance for Planetariums] (2006, ReACT, Mediadome Kiel)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/shows.asp Mystery of the Christmas Star] (2006, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.clarkplanetarium.org/nowplaying_movies.php#CAT3 Night Vision] (2005, Clark Planetarium)
* [http://vrm.vrway.com/issue19/GREG_DOWNING_PRESENTS_PANORAMAS_AT_GATES_PLANETARIUM_VIDEO_DOME.html The Whole Picture: Around the World in 360°] (2005, Gates Planetarium)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/stars-pharaohs.asp Stars of the Pharaohs] (2003, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.exploration.org/ Hidden Dimension] (2003, Exploration Place)
* [http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/ Solar Storms] (2001, Adler Planetarium)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/shows.asp Bodyworks] (2001, Exploration Place and Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/shows.asp Crack the Cosmic Code] (2001, Exploration Place and Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/ Blackholes - Into the Dark Abyss] (2000, Adler Planetarium)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/shows.asp Cyber Explorer] (2000, Exploration Place and Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/ Blueprint for the Red Planet] (1999, Adler Planetarium)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/journey-to-infinity.asp Journey to Infinity] (1998, Adler Planetarium and Evans & Sutherland)

Examples of pre-rendered movies

* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/mq/mq.html MarsQuest] (2007, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/ssg/ssg.html Seasonal STARGAZING] (2007, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.alien-action.com/ Alien Action] (2007, Tilt Design Studio, Hamburg)
* [http://www.clarkplanetarium.org/distribution/ Extreme Planets] (2007, Clark Planetarium)
* [http://home.comcast.net/~twbpfile1/SPLATpage.html Splat!] (2007, Denver Museum of Nature & Science Interns)

* Interstellar (2007, [http://www.bjp.org.cn/BPDS/ Digital Studio @ Beijing Planetarium] )
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/fulldome_shows/index.html Zula Patrol: Under the Weather] (2007, Zula USA LLC and E&S Spitz Creative Media)
* [http://animation.mirage3d.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=31/ Dawn of the Space Age] (2007, Mirage3D)

*Centered in the Universe (2006, produced by Griffith Observatory)
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/fulldome_shows/index.html Vacation On Altair] (2006, Montpellier Agglomération/Planétarium Galilée)
* [http://www.spacecentre.co.uk/astronaut/ Astronaut] (2006, National Space Centre)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/secrets_of_the_sun.asp Secrets of the Sun] (2006, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.clarkplanetarium.org/distribution/ Black Holes] (2006, Clark Planetarium)
* [http://www.amnh.org/rose/spaceshow/cosmic/ Cosmic Collisions] (2006, American Museum of Natural History Rose Center for Earth and Space)
* [http://www.dmns.org/main/en/General/Planetarium/CurrentShows/blackHolePlanetarium.htm Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity] (2006, Denver Museum of Nature & Science)
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/fulldome_shows/index.html DarkStar Adventure] (2005, Spitz Creative Media)
* [http://animation.mirage3d.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=31/ Origins of Life] (2005, Mirage3D)
* [http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/ TimeSpace] (2005, Adler Planetarium)
* [http://www.helio.com.au/heartofthesun/ Heart of the Sun] (2005, Heliograph)
* [http://www.molecularium.com Molecularium] (2005, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Nanotoons)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/lcs/lcs.html Larry Cat In Space] (2005, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/ois/ois.html Oceans In Space] (2005, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/tts/tts.html Season Of Light] (2005, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/sq/sq.html Sky Quest] (2005, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/tca/tca.html The Cowboy Astronomer] (2005, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.amnh.org/rose/dome/ Sonic Vision: How Do You See Your Music?] (2004, American Museum of Natural History Rose Center for Earth and Space)
* [http://www.kaluokahina.de/_english/story.htm Kaluoka'hina: The Enchanged Reef] (2004, Softmachine)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/future_is_wild.asp The Future is Wild] (2004, Animal Planet and Evans & Sutherland)

* Optical Nervous System (2004, The Elumenati)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/Universe.asp Universe] (2004, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.dmns.org/main/en/General/Planetarium/CurrentShows/A+Cosmic+Journey.htm A Cosmic Journey] (2004, Denver Museum of Nature & Science)
* [http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/hv2/hv2.html Hubble Vision 2] (2004, Loch Ness Productions)
* [http://www.livinglobe.com/references/raj.php R+J (Romeo and Juliet)] (2004, LivinGlobe)
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/fulldome_shows/index.html Oasis In Space] (2003, Spitz Creative Media)
* [http://www.spitzinc.com/fulldome_shows/index.html Legends of the Night Sky: Orion] (2003, AudioVisual Imagineering & Spitz Creative Media)
* [http://www.clarkplanetarium.org/distribution/ Secret of the Cardboard Rocket] (2003, Clark Planetarium)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/new-horizons.asp New Horizons] (2002, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/cosmic-safari.asp Cosmic Safari] (2002, Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/microcosm.asp Microcosm - The Adventure Within] (2002, Home Run Pictures and Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.amnh.org/rose/searchforlife.html Search for Life] (2002, American Museum of Natural History Rose Center for Earth and Space)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/force-5.asp Force 5] (2001, Sybilmedia, HMNS, Rice University and Evans & Sutherland)
* [http://www.amnh.org/rose/passport.html Passport to the Universe] (2000, AMNH Rose Center for Earth and Space)
* [http://www.es.com/products/digital_theater/wonders-of-the-universe.asp Wonders of the Universe] (2000, Evans & Sutherland)

Art Installations

* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/content/articles/2007/10/02/planetarium_film_feature.shtml Screen Dance] (2007, Trimble, Wetton, Thinktank Planetarium)
* [http://natepagel.home.mindspring.com/WED/ Rainforest Dome] (2005, Nate Pagel)
* [http://www.cmlab.com Celestial Mechanics] (2005, D. Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne)
* [http://www.elumenati.com/projects/bok_globule/ Bok Globule] (2004, Carter Emmart and Leo Villareal)
Don Davis has also written [http://www.donaldedavis.com/BM04WEB/Bokstory.html an account of Bok Globule at Burning Man 2004]
* [http://www.icinema.unsw.edu.au/projects/prj_cupola.html Cupola] (2004, Jeffrey Shaw)
* [http://www.blackshoals.net Black Shoals Stock Market Planetarium] (wikipedia entry) (2004, Lise Autogena and Joshua Portway)
* [http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/features/itoi/itoi11-20-01.asp Dream Temple] (1999, Mariko Mori)


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