- Sherston trilogy
A series of books by the
English poet andnovelist ,Siegfried Sassoon , consisting of "Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man ", "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer ", and "Sherston's Progress ". They are named after the protagonist,George Sherston ; a young Englishman of the upper middle-class, living in the period of time directly before and during the First World War.The books are, in fact, 'fictionalised
autobiography ', wherein the only truly fictional things are the names of the characters. Sassoon himself is represented by Sherston. A comparison of the Sherston memoirs to Sassoon's later, undiluted autobiographical trilogy ("The Old Century", "The Weald of Youth", and "Siegfried's Journey") shows their strict similarity, and it is generally accepted that all six books comprise a composite portrait of the author and his life as a young man. (Sassoon remarked, however, that his alter-ego personified only one-fifth of his actual personality. Unlike his author, Sherston has no poetic inclinations; nor does he deal withhomosexuality - a subject which, at any rate, would have been illegal to explore in any detail at the time Sassoon was writing.)The Sherston trilogy won high acclaim, and "
Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man " took theHawthornden Prize for Literature for 1928. The three books were printed together in one volume, "The Memoirs of George Sherston ", in1937 .
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