

Tripas, also known as Machitos, in Mexican cuisine are the small intestines of farm animals that have been cleaned, boiled and grilled. "Tripas" are used as filling for tacos, then dressed with condiments such as cilantro, chopped onions, and chile sauce. They are also served with "Pico De Gallo" and Guacamole. "Pico De Gallo" is best described as a garnish which is typically made with fresh jalapenos, onions, cilantro,tomatoes and lime juice. Garlic, cumin, and other seasonings can be added.

Guacamole is made using the flesh of the avocado and mashing it into a paste. Often tomatoes and jalapeno are added. "Tripas" as prepared Mexican style require care by the cook to avoid becoming rubbery. They are traditionally cooked in a "Disco" (dee-sko) which is constructed of two tilling discs (commonly used in the farming industry) welded to an iron pole in the center of the discs to form a wok like bowl on top of the pole with another disc about 8" - 10" below it. The "tripas" are placed in the top disc and filled with water while the lower disc is filled with wood or charcoal, thus creating the heat to cook the "tripas". The "tripas" are boiled for several hours until tender, adding water as needed. Once they are tender the cook will allow the water to boil off and then finish the preparation by continuing to let them cook in their own fat.

"Tripas" are prepared to three levels. "Soft" preparation is attained shortly after the water boils off while the "tripas" are still tender with a velvet like texture. Properly prepared, they should not be rubbery but should have some firmness to them. "Medium Crispy" is reached by allowing the "tripas" to continue to cook in their own fat long enough for the exterior to crisp and harden. The center of the "tripas" are usually still soft and velvety. Finally "Extra Crispy" preparation is reached by allowing the "tripas" to cook long enough to get crispy all the way through. Sometimes lard is added to the "Disco" to reach this level of crispness but the true "Cocineros" (Mexican chefs) contend that it is best done using their own fat. The best Mexican preparation however, does not add any breading or very much fat, thus helping to retain the healthful low fat, high protein characteristics of this type of meat.

"Tripas de leche" are similar in appearance to regular tripas, but are made from the internals of a cow's udder. Tripas de leche are typically tenderized by marinating, then grilled.

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