Caroline Chikezie

Caroline Chikezie

Infobox actor

imagesize = 150px
name = "Caroline Chikezie"
birthname = Caroline Chikezie
birthdate = February 19, 1979
location = England
height = 5'"
notable role = Elaine Hardy in "Footballers' Wives"

Caroline Chikezie is a British actress, born of Nigerian heritage. She is probably most famous for playing the role of 'Sasha Williams' in the hit British teen soap "As If" from 2001 to 2004.She has also enjoyed success in playing Elaine Hardy in the hit British television drama "Footballers' Wives".

Her other television work includes "40", "Babyfather", "Holby City", "Judas Kiss", "Casualty", "Free Fall" and "Brothers and Sisters".

She appeared as Lisa Hallett, a member of the secret organisation of Torchwood who had been transformed into a half-human half-Cyberman in "Cyberwoman", an episode of the "Doctor Who" spin-off series "Torchwood".

She also starred as Nasuada in the newly released movie "Eragon"

She also starred as Tamara, a fellow demon hunter, in the 3rd Season Premiere of Supernatural

elected filmography

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