- World Yo-Yo Contest
The World Yo-Yo Contest is the top contest of a hierarchy of yo-yo contests from around the world. As of 2006, 19 countries fed into the World Yo-Yo Contest from their respective national yo-yo contests. Also in 2006, almost 700 people were in attendance. It is held at the
Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida.History
The World Yo-Yo Contest was first started in 1932, and was held in London England. The winner was Harvey Lowe [http://yoyowiki.org/wiki/Harvey_Lowe] . The contest was not held every year, and came and went away until 1991, when Dale Oliver restarted it in Montreal, Canada during that year's
International Jugglers' Association 's (IJA) annual convention. The contest was held during the IJA's convention until 1999, when it was held inHawaii . Late in 1999, Dale Oliver andAlan Amral , two leaders in the field of yo-yoing, askedGregory Cohen [ [http://www.yoyoguy.com/PL/2/142/About-Us YoYoGuy.com: Yo-Yo > About Us ] ] to host the contest in 2000. He organized the 2000 contest at Universal Studios in Orlando. In 2001, the event moved to theRosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando where he still organizes it and it is currently held in early August or in late July every year.Contests
The World Yo-Yo Contest has 7 World Title Divisions as of 2006.
*1A The player uses a long spinning yo-yo to perform tricks that typically require manipulation of the string.
*2A The player uses two yo-yos simultaneously to perform reciprocating or looping maneuvers.
*3A The player uses two long spinning yo-yos and performs tricks with both simultaneously.
*4A The player uses an offstring yo-yo, often releasing the yo-yo into the air and attempting to catch it on the string.
*5A The player uses a yo-yo with a counterweight on the other end of the string rather than having it attached to a finger.
*AP This is Artistic Performance where the yo-yoer uses any type of yo-yo or other prop in order to perform a freestyle.
*CB This is the Combined Division, where players have to compete and demonstrate skill in multiple styles.
In addition to these World Divisions, the world Yo-Yo Contest also hosts yo-yo modifying and design contests, known in the field as modding and other yo-yo contests for all age levels that do not carry a world title.
Other Events at the World Yo-Yo Contest
The World Yo-Yo Contest also acts as the host for the
World Spin Top Contest and the WorldThrow Dough Championships every year.References
External links
* [http://www.worldyoyocontest.com/ World Yo-Yo Contest] The World Yo-Yo Contest Web Site
* [http://www.dumpvideo.net/2007/04/24/2006-world-yo-yo-contest-hiroyuki-suzuki/ Hiroyuki Suzuki At 2006 World Yo-Yo Contest]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.