Primate basal ganglia system — The primate basal ganglia system is a symmetrical major cerebral system that has only recently been recognized. In the past, part of it was presented as motor or extrapyramidal , complementary to the corticospinal (pyramidal) system. Contrary to… … Wikipedia
Isothalamus — The isothalamus is a division used by some researchers in describing the thalamus. [Percheron, G. (2003) Thalamus . In Paxinos, G. and May, J.(eds). The human nervous system . 2d Ed. Elsevier. Amsterdam. pp.592 675] .The isothalamus constitutes… … Wikipedia
Thalamus humain — Vue en tridimensionnelle du thalamus humain (en rouge) Le thalamus (du grec θαλαμος = chambre) constitue un volumineux noyau ovoïde, d origine diencéphalique, pair et symétrique de chaque côté du troisième ventricule. Il se subdivise en… … Wikipédia en Français
Sittaceni — The Sittaceni were an ancient people dwelling along the Palus Maeotis in antiquity. Strabo describes them as living among the Maeotae, Sindi, Dandarii, Toreatae, Agri, Arrechi, Tarpetes, Obidiaceni, Dosci, and Aspurgiani, among others. (xi. 2.… … Wikipedia
Sindi (people) — The Sindi (Greek: polytonic|Σινδοί, Herod. iv. 28) were an ancient people in the Taman Peninsula and the adjacent coast of the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea), in the district called Sindica, which spread between the modern towns of Temryuk and… … Wikipedia
Maeotae — Map of the Roman empire under Hadrian (ruled 117 38 AD), showing the location of the Maeotae on the eastern shore of the eponymous Palus Maeotis (Sea of Azov) Maeotae or Mæotæ or Maeotici (Greek: Μαιῶται) were an ancient people dwelling along the … Wikipedia
Dandarii — The Dandarii (Dandaridae) were an ancient people dwelling along the Palus Maeotis in antiquity. Strabo describes them as living among the Maeotae, Sindi, Toreatae, Agri, Arrechi, Tarpetes, Obidiaceni, Sittaceni, Dosci, and Aspurgiani, among… … Wikipedia
Toreatae — The Toreatae (Greek: polytonic|Τορεᾶται, Strabo xi. 2. 11) or Toretae (Greek: polytonic|Τορεταί, Steph. B. s. v. ; Dionys. Per. 682; Plin. vi. 5; Mela, i. 2; Avien. Orb. Terr. 867) were a tribe of the Maeotae in Asiatic Sarmatia. Strabp describes … Wikipedia
Agri (people) — The Agri were an ancient people dwelling along the Palus Maeotis in antiquity. They are described as living among the Maeotae, Sindi, Dandarii, Toreatae, Arrechi, Tarpetes, Obidiaceni, Sittaceni, Dosci, and Aspurgiani, among others … Wikipedia
Tarpetes — The Tarpetes were an ancient people dwelling along the Palus Maeotis in antiquity. Strabo describes them as living among the Maeotae, Sindi, Dandarii, Toreatae, Agri, Arrechi, Obidiaceni, Sittaceni, Dosci, and Aspurgiani, among others. (Strab. xi … Wikipedia